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Daryl and rick sent out troops to search for Bella, all of them had come back without her, so this time rick went out with Maggie to look, they come across a lookout tower "Bella?!" Rick yells, the stairs on the tower were broken off so nothing could climb up.

They look back up at the tower when they heard rustling, smiles coated their faces when Bella stuck her head out the window, she was still wearing Daryl's blood coated jacket. she rolled her eyes "what do you want, grimes?" She growled.

"We came to bring you home." She rolled her eyes again, she walked over to the doorway of the tower and sat down with her legs dangling off the ledge. "Fuck off!" She yelled, she clearly found some alcohol.

Maggie sighed "Bella...we have something important to show you..dary-" They both ducked when something was hurled towards their heads. "What the hell bella!?" Rick yelled as she laughed, every time they started to talk she would throw something at them.

"We're gonna go back and get him and show you...them you might come back!" Maggie yelled as they started walking off, "don't bother coming back!" Bella yelled back.

After about an hour Bella got up and grabbed her stuff, she jumped out of the tower and started walking off.

-Bella POV-

I walked for hours until I got tired, I found a tree and climbed up, I sat on a branch and tired to fall asleep, my eyes shot open at a familiar husky deep voice. It scared me and I fell forward.

Off the branch

Right on my face

"Ow." I groaned as I got up off the ground, I looked around and stopped when I saw Daryl standing in front of me, "D-Daryl?" I stuttered and he smiled, "no, you can't be real.." I mumbled as I walked closer.

When I reached out to touch him he disappeared, I spun around looking for him and I yelped when he spoke "miss me?" He smirked.

I held my head "oh god..I've gone crazy....maybe that alcohol was older than I thought." I whispered to myself, I started walking away from Daryl, he kept appearing around me, I started walking faster until I started running.

I ran for a while until I got to an open field that I've never seen before, I heard talking and turned to see a group of people, I quickly stepped back into the woods and his behind a tree.

I looked forward and noticed the place in front of me "shit" it was the kingdom, I turned around and sprinted through the woods "whatcha running from?" Daryl appeared again "SHUT UP!" I screamed and he disappeared.

I ran until I couldn't feel my legs, I got to an old road filled with empty cars, I climbed into one of the cars and shut all the doors, I decided to just fall asleep and I would walk farther away tomorrow.

-Maggie and rick-

Maggie and rick brought daryl to the outpost, "Bella?!" Maggie yelled, they got to response, maggie climbed up one of the pillars and looked into the lookout post "shit...she's gone!" She yelled back down at them.

Rick groaned "I'm sorry Daryl." Daryl nodded "yeah.." he mumbled as he turned around and started walking back to hilltop.

—One week later—

I've been scoping out the sanctuary for a week, I've found the perfect way in, I stood on a hill overlooking the me building. I grabbed my knife and cut through the back gate when the guards were talking.

By the time they noticed me I had my arrows ready and shot both of them, I grabbed a set of Keys, I snuck Inside and walked down the silent halls.

The memories of this place replayed in my head, I got to the hall filled with people, they immediately saw me and pulled out their guns. I shot all my arrows and they all fell to the ground.

I got to the top story of the building, I looked off the rails to the bottom story where Negan was standing, I smirked to myself as I wiped the blood from my face, I aimed my bow at Negan's head.

I was ready to shoot and someone tackled me, the arrow shot and I heard Negan yell. I looked at the person over me, it was the doctor that I saw so many times, I started burning with rage.

"You're not getting away with this." He said, my smirk faded "karmas a bitch." I growled as I stabbed him in the side of the head with one of my arrows. I shoved him off me and looked down at Negan, he was kneeling over with an arrow lodged in his shoulder:

He stared up at me, he frowned "kill her!" He yelled and I bolted, I ran out the back door and got through the fence and then it started raining bullets, I fell to the ground when a bullet hit my leg, I looked back and saw Negan a long way away staring at me as he lowered his gun.

I got up and stumbled away from the building, I climbed up a tree and grabbed my knife, it hurt like hell but I got the bullet out and wrapped up my leg.
I still hated that I missed, I was aiming right for his brain, I wanted him to feel the pain I've felt all this time.

And I won't give up until he's dead, and I'm not going down without a fight.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now