Homestretch of the hard times

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"Oh my god." Emma gasped, I had tears rolling down my face by the time I was done, I closed my eyes, dropping my head into my hands.

I felt her arms wrap around me, she was crying too, "I'm so sorry, that must have been awful." She muttered, I nodded, wiping my tears away.

"Are you ever gonna go back?" She asked, sitting back, I shrugged, but I knew the answer. I sighed, "I tell myself I'm never gonna go back but I know I will eventually."

She handed me some water, I drank some, closing it and handing it back to her, i leaned over and looked outside, it was nearly midnight.

I looked back and gave her a smile, "We should get some sleep, we're heading out tomorrow." She raised her brow.

"Why?, we have a good place here." I took a deep breath, "We can't stay in one place too long" but that wasn't the reason, I knew we were near rick and the others.

I saw scouters the other day, and Jesus was with them, luckily Emma didn't see them, and they didn't see us. But I kinda wanted them to see us, so they would get Emma some place safe, I didn't want to lose her, she's grown on me.

I laid down, and so did she. "It's all gonna be okay." She whispered as she closed her eyes, I smiled, wanting to believe that.

"It's all gonna be okay..." she said again, I looked over and she was asleep. I rolled back and forth most of the night, my thoughts overwhelming my head.

Then I thought about easier times, long ago, seemed like lifetimes ago. Just watching the sunset, eating dinner with my family, going to concerts, going to school, I never thought that was something I would miss, but somehow it was.

It's a short chapter I'm sry, I know I say it a lot but I've been busy and I don't have as much time to write as I used to, hope you all can bare with me here, thank you, also, thank you for 47k reads, this calls for a toast, along with a new story cover 🥰

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now