As the bombs go off

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Gavin stands up on the trailer and raises the megaphone to speak again "now, there's one last piece of business. One person here, who has to answer to all of this. Ezekiel."

He pauses "I need him. We haven't found him yet. I don't expect any of you to give him up, but I will say, to do yourselves a favor and cooperate now!. We didn't see any goons with dreadlocks back at what was left of the homestead, so he's gotta he here."

Gavin pauses to see if anyone will answer, but just as he thought, no one speaks up

"There are rules, and he broke them! And if you do not give him up right now, this...turns into something traumatic. I don't want that."

Gavin starts to walk off but then turns back "don't make this any worse than it already is. There's godamn kids here, they don't need to see this shit.

He sees that no one moves "all right. You got five minutes. Then it's negans way." And that's on you. Not me."

Ezekiel watches from the back of one of the buildings, staring at them, wondering what to do next

With the hilltop and Maggie

"How'd you get out?" Maggie asks Simon as he stands at her window

"Three guesses" he smirks, toying with her, trying to piss her off "well, let's just say we figured it out"

Maggie looks around confused, Simon continues to rant "right now, kingdom is getting its innards splayed out for the world to see. And the saviors will be taking Possession of that property, starting tonight. Same with alexandria. As long as they don't make it complicated.

Simon laughs as he leans on the truck, "but hilltop, the farmers?, The breadbasket of our nascent civilization? It's your lucky day, you've been chosen to keep producing, so I am hoping that you are the one to make things right."

They all look around as they hear music muffled in the distance, Simon puts his finger up to his ear jokingly "hear that? I need you to shift into active listening."

He waits a second then smirks "Eugene! Who, by the way, I was admittedly skeptical of, but, man, worked out like gangbusters. He helped us get out of the situation with the masses of the cold and impolite. And now my guys are leading the rest of the herd away."

"So...this can go one of two ways, one, I can kill this likable gent on his knees over there, drag you out of this car, and put you in this box. In which you will not suffocate to your friend. Sasha." He walks  back over to the truck

"and then we take you to hilltop, gather everybody up, and kill you in front of the whole place. And then drag you back to sanctuary, and put ya' on the spike in front of HQ?" He smiles,

"And then my people will lead the walker heard to the hilltop and pull off the same move that your people tried unsuccessfully at our place." Simon frowns

"What a pain in the ass for everyone concerned." He waits for an answer impatiently

"Or two, you turn around, go home, start watering that sorghum, save everyone, and, most importantly, me, a lot of trouble." Maggie still doesn't answer, Simon finishes "so yeah....we're gonna have to kill one of your people." Maggie's eyes widen as Simon backs up.

Gary points his gun to Jerry "nah, Gary...I got this" Simon spins around and shoots his gun, shattering the glass on Maggie's truck, she jumps and gasps, they look back to see the man in the back seat with a bullet hole in his forehead,

Maggie starts to cry, Simon walks up to her window once more, "I just really needed you to know what I was talkin' about. I need you to smell it."

Jesus looks out the opposite window as Simon speaks "now don't tell me I have to kill this gent with the lustrous mane?." He snaps through gritted teeth, "tell me I don't got to go down the line! Tell me Maggie!" He screams and Maggie jumps,"

"Gary!" Simon yells "no!" Maggie screams at him, both of the men stop, "you don't need to do any of it, I just want to ask you a favor,?" Simon nods "what's that?" Maggie stares straight ahead "i'd like that box" Simon looks over at the box,

"So we can Take Neil home, to bury him" Simon nods, he leans on the door "favor granted."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now