"First supply run"

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Negan steps out of the truck and hits the side, the man drives off, I sit in the back, I hold one of my arrows, and admire it, I look close and see a small crack in it "dammit!.....soon I'm gonna have only 3 arrows" the man sitting across form me looks up at me "do you need more arrows?" I show him my arrow "yea....I do" he nods "we have a person at the camp who could make some" I nod "I'll have to get them to make me some more, because I am not using a gun, I hate them" the man at the end of the truck by the door looks over at me "why did negan put YOU, in charge?" I look up at him "Because I'm his wife....and I also asked" the man rolls his eyes, l point my arrow toward him while looking out the window "I'm still allowed to shoot anyone for any reason.....you know that right?" He stops talking

We arrive at Alexandria, I jump out "ok!.....Scan the place, get the supplies!" They all get out of the truck and fan out and go to different houses "Bella!" Carl runs up to me, he tries to hug me but I stop him "we need to go somewhere else" we walk to his house, I'm about to go in and Dwight walks up behind me "want me to help?" I shake my head "no.....I'm good" he walks off and I walk inside, as soon as the door shuts Carl wraps his arms around me, I wrap my arms a round him "I missed you kid" he smiles at me "are you doing ok out there with them?" I nod "after i said yes to negan I have been trying to find out a way to kill him, he trusts me more and more every day"

Carl smiles "I'm glad your not hurt" Daryl slings the door open and runs over to me, he gives me the tightest hug and he says "Bella.....I missed you" Carl runs outside, "I'll go find my dad!" He shuts the door leaving me and Daryl in the house by ourselves "Daryl....I-I'm sorry" I hold out my hand with the ring on it, he closes his eyes, not wanting to look at it "but....why, why did you marry negan?" I look up and I'm about it answer and Daryl sees the hickeys on my neck "what the hell did he do to you!?" I try and cover them up "n-nothing" he sees the bruises on my wrists "that's it!...I'm gonna kill that son of a bitch!" I grab his arm "Daryl.....I'm fine!" He comes back up to me and he reaches to kiss my forehead but I back up

Now every time I get kissed on my forehead it reminds me of negan, of all the hate I carry for him"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now