The ocean

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—One month later—

Bella hasn't seen any living human being in a month, the only person she sees is Daryl when she's drunk, Daryl has been going crazy looking for Bella. Saviors, hilltop, and the kingdom have been planning to start a war. And Bella's been planning her own personal war on Negan.


"We have to find's been way to long." Daryl groaned while rubbing his eyes, rick set his hand on his friends shoulder "She'll be back sooner or later...Get you some rest, we've been out here all day." Daryl nodded.


Rick spun around and faved the person who yelled for him, it was michonne, "Rick...Negan's men are coming soon." She said a little worried.

Rick's eyes went wide "We don't have time for this right now. Get our troops ready, they want a fight? We'll give em one." He growled walking off.

The first thing that came to Daryl's mind was Bella again, he didn't want her stumbling into the wrong territory and getting caught in the crossfire.

He ran after rick to talk about their plan.

Bella POV

I slowly walked through the woods, the pain in my leg was killing me but I had to get away from the saviors that probably weren't to far behind, I'm physically exhausted and I just feel like taking a nap and waking up to a world without walkers, or Negan. just me, Daryl, and my family.

I didn't realize that my leg stopped hurting, it felt a little better. I didn't know how long I walked but I know I'd gotten far? I could see the ocean in the distance, just as the sun started to go down.

I was to busy staring at the ocean that I didn't watch where I was going.

Next thing I knew I was strung upside down by my leg in the air, "Don't shoot!" I yelled raising my hands as a young girl and an older girl stepped out of the woods with their guns raised.

The older girl whispered something to the younger girl and she went running back into the woods, the older girl stepped closer, "Who are you?" "I'm bella." I answered.

She nodded "what are you doing in our territory?" I sighed, the pain coming back in my leg "I've been running from some people." She looked up at my leg, noticing the bullet wound.

Soon an older woman came out of the woods, "Cut her down and cuff her." The lady growled "What?" I said as a knife slashed the rope, sending me falling on my head "Ow." I groaned as I sat up.

The older but strong girl grabbed my arms and cuffed them behind my back.

"Well this is gonna be a long night."

I'm sooooo sorry! I just realized how long it's been since I've updated this story, I've had way to many new story ideas and if you saw my announcement then you know how many drafts I have, I have way to many😂. And also...SORRY FOR THE SHORT CHAPTER!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now