"Next friday"

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"I get in the shower and just stand there, the hot water hits my face, it stings but I don't care, I punch the wall and yell, I keep hitting it until all my knuckles on both my hands are bleeding and bruised, the water under me turns red, I cry and throw my hands over my face, I get out and wrap a towel around me, as I look in the mirror I gasp

Hickeys......all over my neck, I run my hand across them, I cover them up with makeup, and I put on my new clothes

i put on my black fingerless gloves to cover my knuckles, I walk down the hall and pass negan, I flinch as he walks past, sending a chill down my back, I walk faster down the hall and I get to the kitchen, I get me a beer and walk outside, (I'm in...

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i put on my black fingerless gloves to cover my knuckles, I walk down the hall and pass negan, I flinch as he walks past, sending a chill down my back, I walk faster down the hall and I get to the kitchen, I get me a beer and walk outside, (I'm in charge of making sure negans men don't steal extra weapons or anything like that) and I walk up to all the men, one man walks by me and i grab a can out of his jacket pocket "where were you going with this?....they can fit in the boxes", he snatches it out of my hand

"This is mine" I slap it out of his hand, and put my bow in his face "as long as I'm here.....you follow my rules!!" He puts the can in the box and walks off, negan comes outside, I take a deep breath and turn around "hey" he looks over at the men "how are they doing today?" I point over to the man I almost impaled with one of my arrows "he tried to steal some extra food, but that's about it" he nods "ok.....I'll take care of that" I look over at the truck

"Hey......can I be in charge of the next supply run?" He looks down at me "uhh......I don't know?.....but my men will make sure you don't run off" I nod and smile while swinging my bow in my hand "I won't" he walks away but then turns around when he gets to the door "but the next supply run is not until next Friday!" I Frown, "I guess I'll wait until then?"

Negan punished the guy who stole the extra food, he put me in charge of feeding the guy everyday while he was in the cell, I got harassed again by one of negans men, but then I broke his arm.

I get up with a headache and find out I have a bad cold, the doctor takes care of me but I still feel like shit, another one of my arrows break while practicing my shooting, negan "harasses" me again, this time leaving bruises on my wrists from his hands.


I count down the days until I can be in charge of my first supply run, more hickeys show up on my neck and my stomach, i set off a bomb in the back of all the buildings while drunk, negan makes his men clean it up as he yells at me, but I just go and drink some more

I throw up all the beer I had the day before, I get ready for tomorrow's supply run, I take a jog around the building because I'm not used to eating so often , I feel like I'm going to get fat because of how much food they give me, negan tells me about what to do and where to go on the supply run

When I get up that morning a grab the set of clothes I wore when I first met the group from Alexandria
(If you don't remember just go back to chapter 2)
I grab my bag and heading outside where the men and negan are already packed and ready to leave, negan kisses my forehead and I get in the truck, before we leave he steps in the truck and yells "Bella is in charge of this supply run!, I told her she IS allowed to shoot anyone in the face for any reason!.....if you come back and she has the Littlest scratch on her, you all know the punishment!"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now