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I was gone for hours, I kept running and running, everything was falling apart, my family was being murdered, I couldn't do it anymore, I didn't know what else to do, is it easier to stay or easier to go?

I dropped to my knees and stared at the angel wings jacket in my hands and raised my gun to my head, I Almost pulled the trigger but the walkie talkie in my belt loop was rick, "Bella...if your out there...please come back, we can't loose another person....we are evacuating Alexandria...we are going to hilltop...I'm hoping we'll see you there." I lowered my gun and stood up, I kept walking, I was at least four miles away from Alexandria.

I couldn't go back, so I just kept walking, I had lost the herd that was after me, but I kinda wish that they had gotten me, I wish that I was dead, the only thing stopping me was the rest of them, the rest of my broken family, I just wanted it to all stop, I wanted my old life back, maybe it would have all been better if I had said no to rick and Daryl.

Then it hit me, this was all because of him, it's all because of negan, he got them all killed, he ordered the attack, he's gotta pay, and he's gonna, I was flooded with anger, all my other emotions were drowned out, the only thing i was feeling was rage and I wanted revenge, and I was gonna get it.

Last night

Daryl and Dwight were in their way to find Bella, Daryl pulled out his gun slowly, he was staring at Dwight with hate, "stop." Daryl warned, Dwight turned around and saw Daryl's gun pointed at his face, he put his hands up "woah..Daryl..put it down."

Daryl didn't move " could have done something, she was getting abused and raped in that place for weeks...and you didn't do a thing." Daryl growled as he moved the gun closer to Dwight's face.

Dwight slapped the gun out of Dwight's hand and it hit the ground, Dwight pulled out a gun that was in his belt and aimed it at Daryl "I want my jacket back." Daryl didn't flinch.

Dwight hit Daryl with his gun and knocked Daryl out and took his jacket, Daryl woke up a few minutes later, Dwight was towering over him, "there he is," he hummed, Daryl sat himself up on his elbows, he looked up at the gun still pointed at his head.

"I'll kill you, you son of a bitch." Daryl growled, Dwight laughed "how do you think your gonna do th-" a walker bit Dwight's neck and he screamed and dropped Daryl's gun, Daryl quickly grabbed his gun and got up, he saw the massive heard coming and ran.

The heard left Daryl alone as they ate Dwight, Daryl ran off, he was headed to hilltop, he was hoping to find Bella, he hoped that she wasn't dead, but he had a feeling that she wasn't, and he want going to think otherwise.

Enid and Aaron

Enid and Aaron woke up in a small house, they tied to get up but they were handcuffed to the wall "dammit." Aaron cursed, cyndie came around the corner with two women behind her "well look who's awake." She hummed while crossing her arms, "cyndie let us go...your grandma got herself killed, don't make the same mistake." Enid warned, cyndie sighed and un-cuffed them

"Come with me." She immediately walks out the door, Aaron and Enid followed behind, "if we win...would you even want to know?" Aaron asked, cyndie nodded "yes." "Then why won't you help." Enid asked quickly.

Cyinde stopped quickly "we are not fighting your get lost." She pushes both of them out of the camp and left, "look Enid....I want to go home, god know me I want to...but I'm not leaving until they join the fight." Aaron said while looking at the camp.

Enid took a deep breath "Aaron...they aren't fighting, so just leave it....they've made it pretty leafs go." Aaron shook his head "they will fight...I'm not leaving until they do."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now