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While we sit on the couch he has his hand on mine, we both look up at each other, we both lean in but then Carl walks in and we both pull back "guys......walkers" we both grab our bows and run outside, we follow Carl to the front gate, walkers are banging on it, rick runs up with his gun "Maggie!, how many are up there?!" Maggie looks over the wall from the post "there's at least a hundred of them" rick opens the chamber on his gun to check how many bullets are in his gun, "we're gonna have to let them in, before they take this wall down!" Me and Daryl look over at wag other and nod, rick look over "michonne!, open the gates!"

I set the nose of my gun on the ground, pull the string back and get an arrow ready, Daryl does the same,
Michonne pushes the gate open and all the walkers start pouring in, the next couple minutes all you can hear is growling, gunshots and yelling, Daryl looks over to see if I'm ok and a walker tackles him, I pull my arrow from a walkers head and run over to Daryl, the walker tries to bite his arm, I shove the arrow in the walkers head, I help Daryl up we shoot our arrows over and over again, but there's still about 50 of them left, rick yells to michonne "we're gonna have to shut the gates!, there's too many!" michonne and Carl nod and shut the gates

Me, rick, Daryl, Maggie, carol and Carl all fight them off one at a time, ricks gun clicks "dammit!, I'm out!" Walkers start banging on the walls "rick!.....this walls not gonna hold up much longer!" Michonne yells, rick nods as he gets out his knife, we keep letting more and more in until.....there all dead

When we were done everyone had blood on their faces, I wipe the blood from my face and lay on the ground, I just lay there and laugh "we did it!" I get up and pull one of my arrows out of a walkers eye, the arrow is broken in the middle "dammit!" I Kick the walkers face and throw the arrow on the ground, Daryl walks over to me "here" he hands me one of his arrows, I smile "thanks"

Maggie walks up to rick "her and Daryl are getting really close" rick nods "I hope it stays that way, we don't need anymore people at each other's throats" rick and Carl go home to take a shower, so does everyone else


Me and Daryl get to the house, he passes me a beer "you ok?" I nod "yea that was the most fun I've had in a while" Daryl gets up "well.....I'm gonna go get a shower" i nod "ok, save me some hot water", I hear a knock on the door

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now