Hilltop reunion

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Bella POV

I wasn't even sure where I was anymore, I didn't want to confront the group, I couldn't. So I kept walking, I walked for hours, but somehow I ended up in front of hilltop, with Daryl's jacket dangling from my hand.

I guess a part of me wanted to be with them, so I walked closer as a man looked over the tower at me, he spun around and yelled, I saw maggie look over and smile. "Open the gate!" She yelled as the gates slowly started to open.

I saw everyone  standing in front of me. Rick, michonne, Enid, maggie, Rosita, Tara, Aaron, Eugene, Sasha, Jesus, Carol, and the rest of the group.

The tears started flowing as I slowly walked up, I saw tears grow in some of their eyes as they looked at the bloody angel wing jacket dangling from my hand.

I fell into their arms, they all wrapped their arms around me as I cried, my face was pulled to someone, I wasn't sue who it was but I didn't care, I just needed to be with them.

Rick and maggie walked me to a big house "you can stay here with me." Maggie said softly as she pushed the door open to a big room, "you can have the bed, I'll sleep on the couch," She motioned to a couch across the room, I slowly nodded.

I never loosened my grip on the jacket in my hand, I didn't want to let it go.

When it got dark almost everyone was asleep, I was laying in Maggie's bed, after she fell asleep I got up, I grabbed a bag and filled it with some of their food, I threw my crossbow over my shoulder and walked over to maggie "I'm sorry." I whispered.

I reached over her and opened the window, I slowly stepped over her and onto the back of the couch, I grabbed the rope I had tied to the bed and threw it out the window, I grabbed the rope and made my way down, I got to the bottom and made sure no one was up.

I could still see guards at the tower so I ran around back, I climbed the wall just like at Alexandria and jumped over, when I got on the ground I didn't look back, I kept walking and walking, I found an old lookout tower and climbed up to it. I set my stuff down and sat in the tower and waited for sunrise.

Hilltop, next morning

"Rick!" Maggie yelled as she ran out of her house, rick ran up "what?" She pointed to her window where a rope was hanging out "Bella's gone."

Ricks eyes widened "maybe she just went on a hunt, Daryl does that when he's angry." Maggie shook her head, she took extra food and clothes, she's not planning on coming back."

Rick took a deep breath, they both looked at the gate as the Guards were yelling "Maggie, we got someone!"

Maggie and rick ran over, "open the gate!" Maggie yelled as her and rick stood in front of the gate, when it slowly opened they both gasped, "h-how?" Rick whispered as they walked closer. "I have something to tell you." The person said as they stepped into the gate.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now