"New group"

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Me and Daryl just stand across the kitchen from each other "so what are we going to do about that new group?" Daryl stares at his feet "the probably saw you and are coming to kill us right now" I look up and raise my eyebrow "excuse you.....they did not see me!.....I think I know a thing or two" I walk up to him and yell "what's your problem!?" He look up at me "I just don't want anyone else to get killed" I back off "sorry.....I'm just really tense lately with all this negan stuff"

he walks up to me "why don't I Help with that" I turn to face him "what do you me-" he puts his hand in my cheek and kisses me, I back up and gasp then I kiss him back wrapping my arms around his neck, I back up and so does he, he rubs his neck in embarrassment "sorry" my cheeks flush with embarrassment, I walk past him and go find Maggie on the lookout post "hey Maggie" she turns to look at me "hey Bella" I sit next to her in the post "hey.....how do you now if you love someone?" She looks over at me and smiles "who is it?" Her face fills with curiosity I look over at her then look out over the wall, she's drinking her water "it's.......Daryl" she spits out her water "Daryl?!" I look over at her "shhh!!.....I don't need the whole camp to know" she wipes her face "sorry.....why have this sudden interest in Daryl?" I sigh "because he kissed me" she smiles "he did?!.......Daryl hasn't kissed a girl since....since before all this started!" I laugh "I'm surprised"

Maggie looks at the sky "well......you know you love them if your afraid to lose them" I look down at my hands and think "I'm afraid to lose anyone here.....there all so special, their.....different"


I wake up the next day laying on the lookout post, I groan and look over, the boy I met a while ago.....Spencer was sitting next to me with his gun "good morning.....I thought you were going to sleep all day" I smile "where's Maggie?" He looks down at me "she's on night duty.....so she's probably sleeping" I nod my head " I brought you some breakfast" He Hands me a plate with sausage and some eggs I smile "thanks spencer" he smiles at me "anytime" I get up "I'll be back...I need to get a shower" he nods "ok....see you later"

I get to the house and I'm about to open the door, then I remember "I kissed daryl last night, then just left and never came back....what's he gonna say?" I walk in and Daryl's back is facing me while he sits st the table "where did you go last night?" I stop and run my hand through my hair "I was with Maggie on the lookout post....then I fell asleep there" he nods, I wait a minute to see if we was going to say anything else, then I walk upstairs

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now