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When I run out of the house I see a man getting beat up by Dwight and some of his friends "Dwight!.....stop!" I get up to them and all but one man stops kicking the man "hey, you" I put my bow up to the side of his head, he stops and he drops the man on the ground "hey are you ok?" The man nods "yes I'm fine.....I'm Gabriel by the way" I smile "I'm Bella"

Rick runs up to us "Gabriel?!......are you ok?" He nods and I go up to rick "I stopped my men before they did any bad damage" rick nods "where's negan?" I sigh "he's not here......I'm in charge of this weeks supply run" he nods and Daryl walks up next to him, I look over "I'll be back soon......I promise" I jump in the truck as it comes by "let's go!" I get in the back of the truck and we're riding to the camp when the truck comes to a stop, about 10 min away from Alexandria "why are we stopping?" The man driving points in front of the truck, a bunch of people from Alexandria are standing there with there guns "what the hell?"


Daryl runs up to rick "rick!.....what about the rest of our people that are waiting for that truck, there gonna kill all the people In those trucks!" Rick looks up "let's go!" Rick, Daryl and Carl start running down the street "please....please....please!" Daryl runs in front of all of them, he runs faster than he's ever run, a walker comes in front of him, but he doesn't stop running, he runs into the walker, it falls to the ground, Daryl loses his balance and almost falls but catches himself


The people in front of the van raise their guns "get down!!" Everyone in the truck ducks as bullets pierce the truck, leaving glass flying everywhere, the two men in the front seat get shot, the back doors on the truck open and Dwight jumps in the truck "Bella are you ok" I nod "yea I guess......I'm not dead, but their not gong to stop until we're all dead "come on, my only job is to bring you back without a single scratch!" I nod and we both jump out of the back of the truck, the bullets stop and We run into the woods, I hear a gunshot and Dwight falls, I put his arm over my shoulder and carry him into the woods

I carry him far into the woods and sit him next to a tree, "where did they shoot you?", he points to his leg, I lift up his pants, his leg is gushing blood, I tear his shirt sleeve and wrap it around his leg, and carry him over my shoulder again, we get to the camp and negan runs outside "what the hell happened out there!?" I sigh "some people attacked our trucks when we were in our way back, they killed all but me and Dwight" negan grabs Dwight's collar "where.....are.....the.....guns!" Dwight pants "t-they are in the trucks" negan runs his fingers through his hair "dammit!"

I look at Dwight's leg "he only cared about getting me out of there alive.....he got shot in the process" negan nods "very good Dwight, you actually listened!"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now