Dealing with the loss

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I couldn't stop my tears, they were like rivers with a broken dam. My grip on Carl's hand was unbreakable, I didn't want it let go, a million thoughts were racing through my head, "Bella." Carl broke the trance was stuck in. "Please...don't be sad...I know you can move on."

I shake my head "Carl...your my best friend." I whimper, Carl smiles weakly "your mine too." I look around at all the others in the tunnel, they all looked broken and sad, all of us looked the same, I turned back to Carl, Rosita handed him Judith, he played with her and kissed her head, telling her it was ok.

I tried to walk it off, I paced back and forth in the tunnel waiting for myself to wake up like it was all a bad dream, I waited for Daryl to get back. But he never did, and the bite on Carl's Chest was still there.

I came back to reality, these are the last moment I get to spend with my best friend, and maybe the last moments for most of us if we don't get out of here.

We could still hear the muffled sound of our home being destroyed above, a walkie talkie with carols voice echoed through the sewer tunnels "the kingdom people got out...we're ok." Carol assured, none of us spoke back.

"I don't know if I would find any of you in time....b-but just in case." Carl whispered as he pulled a pile of letters out of his pocket and handed them to rick. "I wanted to make sure I was Able to say goodbye." He whispered.

Carl passed out and me, rick and michonne helped carry him out of the sewer, the sun came out, the saviors were gone, the fires were burnt out, and walkers were everywhere. We carried Carl to one of the burnt down buildings, we layer him down and talked for a while, Carl was getting weaker by the second, then he pulled out a gun, "no...Carl, no" I whimper, Carl holds it out "I'm to weak to do it." He admits.

Rick shakes his head "we can't do it." He says as he Almost passes out, we all looked awful, we were all hungry and tired, after a while we had left the house and sat on the porch, the tears silently ran down our faces as we heard he gunshot, I still couldn't find Daryl, michonne and rick went to bury Carl and I couldn't bare to watch, I ran off when they weren't looking, I went to find Daryl, I grabbed my knife and crossbow and ran past the walls, I ran far into the woods, following a trial of human footprints.

I heard the walkers get closer with every second of following the footprints, I stopped dead in my tracks when I saw a group of walkers, I yelled "hey!" They all turns and started to stumble towards me, I stabbed all of them until there were none left, I saw the body on the ground, my eyes already burnt from crying but I couldn't hold in the tears.

I dropped to my knees in front of the body, I started punching the ground Repeatedly until my knuckles started to bleed, I pulled the winged jacket off of the unidentifiable body.

I wiped my face and got up, I saw a herd of walkers coming my way and I ran, I couldn't even face the rest of them, I decided to run in the opposite direction of Alexandria.

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now