Together again

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We ride back to the kingdom, Daryl on the back of my horse "how is Alexandria?" He look is into the woods "they're fine" I nod as we approach the kingdom ", the gates swing open, Ezekiel walks up, I jump off of maze and walk up to him "hey" he looks back at Daryl "Daryl?" I look between them "you know him?" Daryl nods "yea...I stayed here for a while" I nod "Ezekiel?...can I talk to you?" He nods and I take him off to the side "I thought you didn't know any other camps?" He sighs "I clumsy let my people know" I take a deep breath "I could heave found them a long time ago!" He nods "I'm sorry" he walks away and I run up to Daryl

"Hey roomie....your staying with me" he nods and I wink at him, he walks next to me as we head to my place "how long have you been here?" I take a deep breath "I have been here only a couple weeks" he looks over at me "how did you get away from the saviors?" I look over at him "I waited for the right moment and I just ran....I kept running until I couldn't run any more, I got trapped and the people of the kingdom found me and saved me....if it wasn't for them I would be dead" he nods "I'm glad you got out" we make it to my room and he lays on the bed "I have met been in a comfortable bed in weeks" I smile and I put down my bow "I'm gonna go take a shower, I'll be out in a minute" he nods, I get in the shower and let the hot water hit my face, 'I'm glad I found him in one piece, I don't know what I would do without him, I think I've fallen for him' I get out of the shower and wrap a towel around me, I walk out of the bathroom and sit in the end of the bed, Daryl sits up, "oh god" he looks over at me "what wrong?" I rub my shoulder "my horse threw me off the other day" he nods "I can help with that" I feel his cold hands rub across my shoulders, massaging them, I groan

His hands are quickly replaced with his lips, he kisses my neck, I turn around to face him, our lips crash together, the kiss is hungry.....needy, we have missed each other for so long, we needed this

I wrap my arms around his neck and he cups his hands on my face, I drop my towel, leaving me exposed, he scans my body then smiles "damn" I giggle then kiss him again, he takes off his shirt, I push him back on the bed and crawl on top of him, he runs his hands over my back, I gasp against his lips, he smiles then flips us over so he's on top, he un-buckles his belt and throws it on the floor he kisses my stomach then makes his way back up to my lips, "I've wanted to do this since the first day i saw you" I blush as his lips meet mine, our tongues race to meet each other, a deep growl runs through his chest as he hears me moan, he takes off his belt and then his jeans, I run my hand over the thin layer of fabric, his member visible through the fabric, I giggle as he groans, I flip him over, my legs holding him in place on both sides of him, I pull his boxers off, his member lines up with my entrance, I slowly pull myself down, I look down at the satisfied smirk on his face as I bite my lip, holding in a moan, he thrusts his hips up, entering me fully, a deep moan escapes my lips, driving him wild, he holds my hips in place as he thrust himself inside me, I keep moaning and biting my lip, someone knocks on the door, "oh....fuck" I motion for Daryl to stop but he shakes his head and keeps thrusting harder, refusing to slow down, "oh...oh fuck" the guy stops knocking "fucking hell, dude really?" He stops when he hears who it is, "um....h-hey rick" rick groans and walks away, we both stare at each other and start laughing

(I'm sorry that I haven't updated in a while, it's because I'm busy with school, and I'm starting some new stories, I try and update as soon as I have time!)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now