Its not your time

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Rick gets into Alexandria and finds a gun. He wanders around. Looking at all the burnt houses and buildings he used to call home.

Rick pushes the door open to his house. He looks around and sees that the palace is not in fire and sighs. "Carl?" He whispers as he searches the room with his gun.

"Judith?" He says as he walks around the quiet house.
"Michonne?" He says louder. Hoping for a response. He also around the corner and his guns is knocked from his hands and he is kicked in the stomach.

He falls back and looks up to see negan towering over him. "This shit isn't funny anymore." Negan hisses as he kicks rick in his side. He grabs ricks ax and gun and throws it out of ricks reach "don't make me do this now rick. I had plans for you. Cut you up into little bitty pieces, feed you to the dead, and make you watch." He growls as he hits rick over the back with his bat.

Rick groans as he falls to the ground. He swings his bat harder but rick dives out of the way. "Then, when you some sort of screwed-up, creepy stump with a head" he swings and rick falls on the table. "...that's when I'm gonna kill front of everybody."

"You ever shut the hell up?" Rick hisses. "Nope!" Negan yells as he sings his bat and rick dives out of the way again. Causing the bat to hit the wooden table. Negan chuckles as he walks around the table "you know your kid volunteered to die? What kind of boy you raise, rick? I'm gonna fix him. 'Cause I like him. A few years, he's gonna be one of my top guys!"

He yells as rick swings at him. They start punching each other back and forth. Negan pushes rick into a shelf and it falls along with him. Negan picks up his bat again "when I am down with you, nobody will ever try what you did." Rick looks over at a metal ball next to him on the ground.

"Not ever again!" Negan yells as rick hits him in the head with the ball, knocking him flat on his ass. Rick grabs Lucile and hits Negan in the face with the tip.

"Don't you touch her!" Negan snarls as he kicks rick backwards. Rick hits the wall. Negan stands up. Rick pulls out his gun and tries to shoot but Negan tackles him out the window. Rick jumps up and runs off.

Negan looks out the window but doesn't see him "shit."

Michonne and rick both walk down opposite sides of Alexandria. A man grabs Michonne from the back. "They're all dead. This is your fault." He laughs.
Michonne pushes him back and he hits the wall. Knocking his unconscious. She grabs her blade and stabs him in the head.

Rick runs around the corner "Michonne!?" He yells, she spins around and hugs him. She starts to cry "where are they?" Rick asks.

Michonne takes a deep breath "oh...god." She walks off. Dragging rick behind her. They walk over to the sewer. "Rick! Daryl!" They hear a woman shout. Rick runs towards the sound. He sees a woman walking out of a burning house. Holding her bleeding arm. She stumbles down the stairs.

Rick runs up and grabs her "Bella?" She smiles weakly. "Rick. I found you." She stumbles into his arms. He picks her up bridle style and carries her. They help her down to the Sewer.

"I can walk. I'm fine." Rick sets her down. Bella, Michonne and rick walk through the sewer pipes. They get to a group of people. Bella frantically searches for Daryl. "No. No." She doesn't see him. "Where's Daryl?" She looks down at Tara.

Tara looks down at her feet "he went to look for you."

Bella tries to get out of the sewer but Tara and rick hold her back "I have to find him!" She cries. "Your not strong enough. You have a fever. Your weak, and you've lost to much blood." Rick warns as he wraps up her arm. "Dad? Bella?"Rick and Bella hear.

They walk past all of the people in the sewer, seeing familiar faces like Tara, Rosita, and other people form Alexandria, but also a familiar face that they didn't like to much, Dwight. They don't pay mind to him. They just walk up to Carl.

They get closer and see Carl lying against the pipe holding Judith. "Carl!" Bella yells as tears stream down her face. She hugs him. "Your burning up." She asks worried.

Carl gives her a weak smile as he hugs rick. They looks over at a young man with brown hair "I brought him here." Carl smiles. "That's How it happened."

Bella POV

I tilt my head and my breath gets caught in my throat as Carl pulls off a bandage on his chest to reveal a walker bite.

I cover up my mouth with my hands. Tears forming in my eyes. "C-Carl." I whimper. He looks up at me and I fall to my knees. Me and rick just stare at him. Rick at a loss for words and tears rolling down my face uncontrollably. I grab his hand.

"Carl....It's not your time."

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now