"The manhunt for bella"

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They all go out in the woods and split up, rosita and Spencer are together, carol is with Sasha, rick is with Carl, Morgan is with michonne and Enid, Daryl is by himself, he runs through the woods with his crossbow ready, a empty can falls right in front of him, he raises his crossbow up at a tree, he sees a girl sitting on a Branch above him, she's eating the food she stole last night "who the hell are you?!?" He yells, the girl lays against the tree, she swings her crossbow " Bella, nice to meet ya" she smiles but Daryl just points his bow at Her, he shoots his bow and it hits the tree just a couple of inches from her face "damn....good shot" she pulls the arrow out of the tree and examines it, her blonde hair falling in her face

"This is a good bow, but mines better" Bella grabs her bow and swings herself down from the branch, she walks up to Daryl, she circles around him, her lips slide across his ear "whats your name?" Daryl flinches and backs up, Bella smiles and winks at him, pointing at her wrapped up leg "one of your people gave this to me last night" Daryl gets close to her face "that's because you snuck into our place, and stole our food" Bella walks backwards and lays against a tree "I haven't eaten in a week, what do you expect" he lowers his bow "who's group are you with?" She laughs "a group?....please.....I don't need a group to "protect" me, I'm fine on my own!"

Rick runs up to Daryl and Bella "Daryl!.....your supposed to yell if you find her!" He points his gun at Bella "who the hell are you?" Bella groans "I'm tired of people asking me that!.....my name is Bella!.....and no I'm not with a group" she swings her crossbow in her hand "I'm not gong to hurt you, I'm not going to steal your stuff anymore....I just stole your stuff last night because I was starving, I haven't eaten in a week " rick stares at her "why should I not shoot you right now?" Bella scoffs "are you insane? Why would you shoot me like a crazy person?" He puts his gun down "come with us" Daryl grabs Bella's arm and drags her to the camp


When we get there they go to a house and they sit me in a chair in the middle of the room, Daryl?.....stands in front of me and the man that pointed his gun at me sits in front of me, along with the boy I met yesterday "so......what are we doing?.....and don't ask me if I want to stay at your camp......I'm tired of camps, I'm just trying to find negan" rick looks up at me "negan?......we're trying to find him to.....he killed many of our people" I look around "sorry" Daryl looks over at me "why are you gong after negan?" My smile fades "no reason" rick gets up and walks over to me, he leans close to my face and whispers "why?" I stand up quickly and get in his face "nothing!" I sit back down and Daryl suggested "why don't you stay here for a couple days, your leg is hurt pretty bad" rick look over at him then back to me "will you?"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now