Old memories

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When I wake up the next morning I'm still on the lookout post, I look over to see Spencer sitting next to me with a plate "just like old times?" I smirk and sit up, I grab the plate and eat it in a couple seconds, he stares over at me and smirks "what?" I tilt my head and he laughs "have you been that hungry?" I nod "I'm starving" I put down the plate and just sit with Spencer, Carl yells from on the ground "Bella?!" I look over the edge "yeah!?" He smiles "come down!" I look over at Spencer "catch you later Spence" I jump down from the ladder and he smiles "wanna finish our crossbow lessons?" I smirk "I like the way you think kid" we sneak over the wall and we walk out into the woods, I pick up my bow and give it to Carl, reminding him where to put his hands, we wait for a walker to come by, one finally walks by and Carl shoots, the bow hits his leg,

My old memories come rushing back all at once


"yeah....ok" I look down at my feet "I'm not going to be"

I point my bow at Dwight's leg "no!" Negan yells but the bow is already halfway across the room, before I know it Dwight is on the floor, negan is running up to me, I run out the back door, I run faster than I ever thought I could, I run so far, I don't even care where I'm going, I just want to get away from that place, from negan

I'm frozen in place, Carl looks up at me and his smile fades, "Bella?" My breathing speeds up, I start having a panic attack, i start breathing rapidly, Carl grabs my arms "Bella?!....what's happening?!" I can't talk, I slam my back to one of the trees and fall down, I bury my head in my knees and start crying, Carl wraps his arms around me, "Bella are you ok?" I look up, he puts his hand on my face and wipes the tears from my cheeks "what happened?" I gather enough air to finally speak "w-when I was with the......saviors, they would...beat me, hurt me" Carl's face fill with anger, but then it slowly drifts away "we'll kill them, They'll  all be gone soon" Carl helps me up, he helps me over the wall, he brings me to ricks house "dad!" He yells as he pushes the door open,

I was so lost in my own thoughts that I didn't notice that Carl had put me down in one of the chairs and rick was standing in front of me, waving his hand in my face "Bella?" I just keep staring, down, my breathing starts to slow down as my eyes drift closed

Rick pov

"Bella?" She keeps staring at the ground, her heavy breathing slows down, her eyes start to close, she falls sideways "Bella!" I catch her before she hits the ground, me and Carl carry her over to the couch, "Carl grab some water!" He runs into the kitchen, Daryl kicks the door open and looks around "where is she!" His eyes dart over to me, then to Bella, he runs over at sits next to her, grabbing her hand "what the hell happened?" I sigh "she was with Carl and he said she had a panic attack and wouldn't say why"
"It's been 2 hours, he still hasn't moved" I whisper to Maggie as we look through the window of the house, "he's just worried" me and Maggie sit on the stairs, the dim light from the moon shining down "I'm glad she got away from negan" Maggie plays with the hem on the bottom of her shirt "they're meant for each other....he never knew it before.....he never knew how much she meant to him until she left" I nod "I've never seen him like this....she's changed him" Maggie smiles "that's a good thing" she gets up and walks over to the lookout post, I stay on the stairs with my beer

Daryl pov

My grip tightens around her hand as I sit next to her, her long blonde hair folds over her shoulders, "Bella?...please" she doesn't respond, my head falls down, "I-I'm sorry I couldn't be there to protect you"
My head shoots up as I feel her hand tighten around mine, "Bella?" A small weak smile spreads across her face "h-hey d-" she tries to sit up but groans "what happened out there?" She groans "I took Carl outside the wall" rick walks in and sees us and runs over, Bella continues "he shot my bow and it hit a walkers leg...a-and I remember...t-the savio-" tears start to form in her eyes "it's ok...we don't need to know" rick calms her, I wipe the tears from her face, rick gets up "I'll go find the rest and tell them she's ok" we both nod,

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now