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I woke up still in the lookout tower, I slowly sat up, I had an aching headache, my eyes were puffy from crying, I still missed having Daryl by my side, I took a deep breath and grabbed my bag, I pulled out some canned corn and pried it open.

I ate sitting out on the ledge staring into the field in front of me, I thought about before all of this, when I would sneak out into my neighbors field just to stare out into the sunset, I've been chased out of his yard millions of times, and it gets better every time, I liked danger and it didn't take me long to figure it out.

Then the smiling faces of my family came to mind, something inside me told me I should've stayed with them..protect them, but the other half of me wanted to get as far from them as possible, I had already lost Carl and Daryl, I don't want to see anyone else get ripped apart by walkers or enemies.

I got done eating and walked back in the watchtower, my head was killing me and my whole body felt like shit, so I just layer down in the middle of the floor with my backpack as my pillow, but it didn't feel to good because of all the cans it held, but to was better than the wood floor under me. I pulled Daryls jacket to my Chest and fell asleep.


Maggie and rick stared in disbelief at who was in front of them, he walked closer, limping a little, his clothes were stained with blood that wasn't his.


Rick stepped forward and put his hand on Daryl shoulder to make sure he was real, once he knew he wasn't just in his head he wrapped him in a tight hug and didn't let go, his eyes were forming tears.

Daryl pulled back "I'm sorry about Carl." He whispered, rick looked down at his feet "Yeah.." he trailed off, maggie hugged Daryl "I'm glad to see you alive..but..what happened?" Daryl took a deep breath.

"We had a complication.....Dwight tried to fight me, but we were attacked by a herd, I got away..Dwight didn't." They both nod.

"Where's Bella?" Daryl asked looking around, "we have good news and bad news." Maggie sighed and Daryl tilted his head "she's alive..but she's not here." Maggie said quickly.

Daryl tilted his head "is she at the kingdom?" He asked, rick and Maggie shook their heads "Well where is she?" Daryl asked, "we don't know." They said in sync, Daryl stepped forward "what do you mean?"

Maggie took a deep breath "she came here...with your jacket in her hands...she-..we all thought you were dead, She stayed with me, but last night she took her stuff and left....we don't know where she went..and we checked..she's not at the kingdom." Daryl nodded slowly, "we have to find her....she's probably going for negan." Daryl said angrily, not sure what he was angry at.

"We'll send out troops....we won't stop until we find her." Maggie reassured as she grabbed her walkie talkie and walked off talking into it, rick set his hand on Daryls shoulder "we'll find her...alive."

"I know..cause she's a badass." Daryl smirked and so did rick as they walked off talking.

I'm not really happy with this chapter and I'm sorry that I haven't been active with this story but I hope you like it....also, WE JUST HIT 10k READS ON THIS BOOK!!🤣🤣, I started this app just to read books, I never thought that I would make one and I never would have thought I would get this many reads! I'm so happy, thank you all!!

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now