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What if they find us? What if they kill emma?...What if they win?

my body jolted, waking me from my nightmare. I noticed the unusual weight of my body, it was crushing me. My eyes peeled open, emma was over me, the sunlight shining through cracks in the boarded windows.

"Emma?" i mumbled, it took me a couple seconds to wake up and realize she was sobbing, "I-I'm sorry." she cried, "Wha-" i froze when she raised her left hand, her fingers curled around a knife.

I panicked as it aimed for my face, i jerked out of the way and it hit the wood floor under me instead. I took the opportunity to throw her off, as i was trying to stumble to my feet the knife slashed across my leg, i cried out, covering my mouth quickly, hoping i didn't attract any walkers.

i looked back as i slammed my back to the wall, she lunged at me, a little too fast, i had no time to move, "DON'T!"  i screamed as the knife sank into the right side of my stomach. I gathered enough strength to shove her backwards, the knife pulled out of my stomach, causing me to scream again.

she hit the ground, i took the opportunity to grab my gun from the table close to me, i pressed my hand over my side as i raised the gun. She continued to sob as i got closer.

"W-Why?" i mumbled as i started to cry. She sat up a little, "N-Negan m-made me..." She cried harder, my eyes grew wide, this whole time she was faking knowing that eventually she would be forced to kill me.

I didn't think twice as all i saw was red, then the gunshot hit my ears with a hiss, i jumped, looking down at her lifeless body. i spun around, not daring to look at the young girl who seemed like my best friend just yesterday.

The sound of walkers reached my ears and i panicked again, snatching my bag from the ground i stumbled out the back door, heading for the highway.

I wished the though didn't come to mind, but I knew I wouldn't survive unless i had a doctor. Taking one last glance at the small house before stumbling out to the road.

Ezekiel'place was close, I could tell because of certain borders and landmarks. His place was my only choice.

I froze as it hit me. I curled up my fist, tears flooding down my cheeks once again.

"M-My baby."

I didn't think about the baby. I looked down at the wound, maybe she missed the baby, it's probably fine. My legs started moving against my will, if this baby was going to survive I had to hurry.


It wasn't until sundown that I saw those tall metal walls. I let go of a breath I didn't know I was holding as I started walking faster.

I got into view of the guards but as I was about to wave my arms for help, I heard a guard yell.


My eyes grew wide, but I opened my mouth to yell too late. I crouched down and threw my arms over my face as bullets ricocheted off the ground in front of my feet.

"STOP!" A familiar voice roared, the metal rain stopped, silence filling the air. I peeled through my arms and saw the metal doors sliding open.

Ezekiel ran out with a group and I nearly broke down right then and there. It had been so long since I've been around someone that cared about me like family.

He ran up, his eyes wide in panic as he crouched down to me. He grabbed my hands. "Bella?, what happened?" His eyes searched ne for wounds, quickly stopping on the stab wound on my lower stomach.

He gasped, scooping me up in his arms and turning to the gate. "Get me the Medics, and contact Alexandria...get daryl down here." He whispered to a man close to him.

His name made me go silent with guilt, he must hate me right now, but he just doesn't understand that I had to leave, but as days pass, I'm not sure I understand either.


"Daryl!" Tara yelled, waving her arms, daryl looked away from Rick and over to the woman running towards him.

"What is it?" Rick and daryl asked, Tara looked down at the walkie talkie in her hand before holding it out to daryl.

He took it with a raised brow, but as he listened his eyes went wide.

'Daryl and Rick requested by Ezekiel, we've got one of your women, and she's hurt bad.'

Daryl let the walkie hit the concrete as he sprinted to the gate, Rick close behind. The two men swung themselves on a horse.

"Contact maggie! Tell her to meet us at the kingdom!" Tara nodded as the gate pulled open, Rick and daryl were gone in the blink of an eye.

Well...Hi? Sorry, it's been a long time I know, but finally got some time to come up with and write another chapter, but I'm still not sure when I'll get back to updating regularly, but enjoy this chapter for now! 🤍🖤

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2020 ⏰

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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now