The pain it caused

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They bring the box over and lean it on the front of our car, the door on the truck in front of us swings open and Simon steps out, he waves at me "hello, hello, hello!" and I just stare at him, he puts his hands to his sides and smirks "what a damn nice night"

Carl pov

I stack the cans into a box while negan continues whistling as the three minutes pass, "you need to make it look like we're escaping out back. Get to the woods, halfway to the quarry, and cut the lights. Get enough a lead on them, hit them, and get away on foot, you know where we'll be. Just have to get the guns, get everyone else here, and we'll meet you there. I turn as negan yells over the speaker "two minutes, people!  Dig deep, I want those apologies to be memorable, bonus points for creativity, work up a poem, sing a song. I love that shit," I look at Daryl, Michonne, Rosita and the rest of them "get going. There's gonna be people in the infirmary, there gonna need help" Tara walks up to me "look, we got guns. We can fight" Rosita steps up "we will, but not now. Carl's right." I look over at Michonne "Carl, we can't just let them have this place," I get closer to her "we can. All we need to do is survive tonight. This is my show, you said it"

Bella pov

I wake up in the same room as before, I look around and don't see anyone, I hear a loud voice, almost like a speaker outside, but I can't hear what it's saying, I stumble out of bed and grab my bow, I almost fall but I lean against the door and stumble out of the house, I hear the whistling coming from the other side of the wall, I hear negan and I immediately start running, I run behind the houses, I try and get to the wall so I could jump over but before I get there I collapse on the ground and slip into the darkness that's been trying to pull me in for so long

Carl pov

"This is my plan and your gonna do it. You're all gonna do it, so let's go!" We all run to our positions as we hear negan yell "one minute!" I run to my house to get Bella but when I run in her room I don't see her "Bella!?" I through the house, I don't see her crossbow "Bella?!" I run outside, I can't find her, I run back up to the others "have any of you seen Bella?" They all shake their heads

At the kingdom

All the people of the kingdom are lined up in front of some of the saviors trucks, one guy stands on his tailgate and takes out a megaphone "well, here we are. I didn't want it to come to this. Much rather would've been at home tonight, but you folks wanted to order off the menu, and look at that!, now you have to eat shit. God knows I didn't want to be the one serving it up. The kingdom and everyone in it now belongs to negan. Moving forward, everything you produce will belong to us, we're going to give you just enough to keep you working, but your probably going to lose the freshman 15 pretty quick. In addition, all able-bodied men and women will also be transported to the sanctuary to see to its repair and refurbishment. And, since you made our former home a Goddamn mess of death and the dead, we'll be hanging our hat here. He puts down he megaphone and walks away,

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now