How its gotta be

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Enid pov

I pull up in the car and Aaron pulls up next to me in a truck labeled 'Roanoke way antillery' I get out and look into the big Field "this good?" Aaron nods as he walks up next to me "i don't's as good a place as any." We wait until the sun goes down, we sleep in one of the cars, Aaron wakes me up, I jump up and I open my mouth to speak but he puts his finger up, he points out the window and I see a figure standing next to the truck, Aaron picks up his gun and slowly opens the door and steps out, I follow behind him, we walk closer to the truck, I hear Aaron in the other side of the truck as he groans, then I hear an unfamiliar voice "you shouldn't have come here" I step around the corner and shoot once and the lady falls to the ground, I run up and help Aaron off the ground, two more women come up and point there guns at us "drop it!!" I drop my gun and she speaks again "get up. Slow." We both out our hand up and get up, a third woman steps up "grandma?" She sees the woman in the ground and drips to her knees besides her "grandma!" She starts to cry, "oh god." She cries as she turns the woman over to get a clear look at her face, she continues crying as I stare down at her "crap" I whisper to myself,

Carl pov

As night falls I run in and check on Bella, I see that she fell asleep and the woman is still watching her, I run over to the sewer drain and I lift the cover off, I hear footsteps behind me followed by a voice "Carl." I stand up and slowly turn around to face Michonne, she looks at me confused "I've been looking for you. We're about ready to head out...what are you doing?" She looks down at the sewer drain and back up at me,  I look up at her "I'm helping someone. A traveler" she raises her eyebrow "in the sewer?" We both look at the gate when we hear banging coming from outside the gate, we hear feedback from a speaker, then both of our bodies tense up as we hear what it's coming from

"You may be wondering why the hell your lookouts didn't sound the alarm. See, we are polite. I mean I don't know when they're gonna wake up from that kinda shot, but they should wake up, so let's just cut through the cow growls from the other side of the wall, "it's your gonna line up in front of your little houses, and your gonna work up some apologies, and then the person with the lamest one is gonna get killed." I look behind me on the street and see the people coming out of there houses and standing in the street, "then I kill rick in front of everybody, and we move on. You have three....count 'em, three minutes to open this gate, or we start bombing the shit out of you!"

I look over at Michonne who looks terrified, "they got out" she whispers, negan starts whistling, I turn to the others "come on." I take a bag and throw it down the sewer pipe and close it, I turn to Michonne who is still in the same spot "Michonne...come on!" We run to the street,

Rick pov

Me, Jerry, and carol all sit in the dark car, the rain pours down, none of us speak, we all just ride, not saying a word, but then a bright light shines through the side windows, before I can look out the window something slams into the side of us,

Ezekiel pov

I sit in my big chair in the middle of the room, I slowly close my eyes, but then the sound of explosions and screaming fill my hearing, I jump up and run down the isle and then I hear talking "spread out and find him!" I run in the opposite direction back up to the stage, I jump up and run to the back of the building,

Maggie pov

Me, Jesus, Neil, and Diane all sit in the car together, the rest of the cars following behind us, "do you think they'll surrender?" Jesus asks as he stares blankly at the rain dripping down the window, I answer "they will. Eventually." "Not now?" Jesus questions, I turn to him "would we give up that quick?" Jesus looks over "no, we wouldn't." The Neil in the back talks "damn straight." I look back out the window "they don't surrender today, they will soon. Just need to run out of food...water.....choices." I look ahead of the car and see something blocking the road, "slow down." Jesus starts to slow down, we get closer, the Diane in the back sits up "what is it?" I look closer "tree in the road wasn't there before," Jesus stares at the tree "could've fallen on its own. Trees do that."

I stare at the road "it's them....something happened." We start to drive closer, then the engine shuts off, I take out my walks talkie "Bertie, turn around" I order, I don't hear a response "Bertie!" I look behind us, Diane looks up at me "Maggie." I see headlights come over the hill, the truck start pulling up next to us, the truck pulls in front of our car, the back part of the truck opens up, Neil looks behind us as 3 more cars pull up and men with guns get out "oh, shit." I look up at the truck as I see a man unconscious on the floor of the truck as two men stand next to him, one man steps out of the truck and pulls a rail down, they pull the man out and puts him in his knees, they pull out a wooden casket, maggie stares at it "why the hell?"

(If y'all like this story I recommend y'all to go read my other walking dead one 'allies or enemies' it's a rick grimes love story, I have been updating it daily... please go read it!!)

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now