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I walked through the woods, my head pounding terribly, 'Daryl' had been rambling on behind me for hours, something in me snapped.

I spun around, "Would you shut the hell up?!" I yelled, he stopped, "I thought you missed me?" He asked, I closed my eyes.

"I miss daryl." I ran up to him, "And you're not..Daryl." I growled. I opened my eyes and he was gone. I sighed, continuing my walk.

I was stopped short when I felt a stabbing pain in my stomach, I dropped to my knees, gripping my stomach.

"Oh god." I leaned over, feeling bile rise in my throat,
I threw up what felt like everything I'd ever eaten, and I hadn't eaten much because all the meat I tired to eat would just come straight back up. I got up and wiped my mouth.

I continued walking, trying to ignoring the cramps in my stomach.

After a while of walking I had found a small town, I sat inside an abandoned restaurant, trying to find something to eat.

I pulled out a can of meat, as soon as I opened the can I tried not to gag, I turned the can around, it wouldn't go bad until two years from now.

I sat back, thinking. "The headaches, The vomiting, The fatigue, The mood swings." I dropped the can and let it clatter you the floor, "Oh god." I groaned, I leaped out of my chair, knocking it on the ground and snatching my backpack off the ground before racing out the door.

I ran into the nearest store and raced down each isle, trying to find what I needed. I finally found the box and ran into the bathroom,

I closed my eyes, "Oh please don't be-" I opened my eyes and I felt my heart stop.


SORRY FOR ANOTHER SHOTT CHAPTER AND SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG TO POST! I'll try to have the next chapter up some time tomorrow or the next day! Hope you liked this one. 😘

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now