Was it supposed to be this way?

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Maggie pov

They continue to search the cars and take the weapons as we sit in the car, "you all know the drill, due to your recent decisions, everything has changed, and yet nothin' has changed, everyone needs to hand over their guns," I stare at him and don't move

"Gary, shoot that beautiful bastard if anyone tries anything, same goes for everyone in the cars." Gary points his gun at the man in front of our truck, they walk over and Jesus gives the man our guns,

Simon walks over to my side of the car and holds out his hand, I pull out my gun and his be it to him while taking a deep breath,

At Alexandria

"Okeydokey" negan yells, "brought this on yourself, rick, see, I was willing to work with you, all you had to do was follow a few very simple rules, now, we'll now I see that you got to go. Scorched earth, you dick!"

"He's not home" Carl yells, all the saviors point their guns at Carl,

"oh-ho-holy shit!" Negan motions for his men to put their guns down, "everybody hold your fire it's Carl" he smirks

"look at you. Answering the door like a big boy, I am so proud....daddy's not home, huh? Well I guess he's gonna get back to a big old smoky surprise"

"there's families in here, kids, my little sister. Negan pauses for a second "well, that shit just breaks my heart. There's kids at the sanctuary. You must've seen 'em, even had a little baby at one of the outposts, I wonder what happened to her?" He walks closer, swinging Lucille in his hand as he stares up at Carl, he suddenly stops

"none of that shits fair kid, hell you know that, you had to kill your own mom. That is screwed up," he takes a few breath

"ergo, we need someone in charge who's willing to do whatever it takes to make sure that shit doesn't happen." He stares pacing again "oh, wait, that's me"

"bad stuff does happen, but we can figure this out, we can stop this," tears forming in his eyes,

"oh, now you want to talk? See your dad had it that I died, no matter what, he gave my people a choice, Not me, now we're gonna need a new understanding. Apologies, punish-" "kill me." Carl spits out, tears coming down his face, negan stares at him, he starts to walks closer,

"What did you say?" Negan says in a low and clam voice, "if you have to kill Someone, kill me, I'm serious." Negan stops "you wanna die?" He whispers, Carl shakes his head "no, I don't, but I will, it's gonna happen. And Iif me dying could stop this, if it can make things different for us, for you, for all those other kids, it'd be worth it, I mean, was this the plan? Was it supposed to be this way?

Behind the wall

Daryl flags for the other cars to follow as they go out the back gate with 2 trucks and 2 cars, Dwight and another savior wait on the other side of the wall, as they turn away the truck bursts through the wall with all the others following, the saviors get in their cars and start to follow them,

In the front

Negan looks around trying to find the source of the shooting and when he looks back up at the wall Carl is not there "son of a bitch, Carl!" He yells, "was that just a play?! I thought we were having a moment here you little asshole! Bombs away!" He yells as the saviors start launching bombs over the wall, they see the smoke rise from Over the wall, Carl falls off the ladder and gets up and stumbles away from the wall, he grabs his bag and his hat and keeps running. He pulls smoke bombs out of his bag and start throwing them on the ground on by one after pulling the pin,

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