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—-Bella pov——-

I go through the woods one day and I find negans men, I get in the back of one of their trucks, they drive for a while and then they come to a sudden stop, they climb in he back of the truck, they carry out all the boxes, I move and one of the boxes falls over and all the cans fall out leaving me exposed, 3 men with guns run to the back of the truck and point their guns at me, I get up and put my hands up "umm.....hi?" One man grabs me by the arm and throws me out of the truck, I slam on the ground, I get up and the man runs up to me and punches me, it leaves a big gash on my face, the man grabs the back of my shirt and pulls me with him, I reach up and throw a left hook, he falls to the ground and I try and run but 2 men run up behind me and grab my arms,

the Man I punched walks up to me and punches me in the stomach then in the lip, busting my lip I groan as the men drag me inside and throw me on the floor "here negan.....we found her in the back of one of the supply trucks" I look up to see negan standing in front of me he squats down in front of me "well, well, well, if is isn't miss. Bella Andrews!" He gets us and swings Lucille over his shoulder "It's never taken me longer to look for someone in my whole god damn life!" He smiles that devilish Smile as he grabs my face "but I finally found you.....here you been all this time?......what camp were you hiding at this time?"

I look up at him, blood dripping from my face "I wasn't at a camp....I-I was by myself" he stands up "I gave you a chance to rule with me here, and you packed up and ran away!" His voice makes you jump "you know exactly where your going now!"


Carl goes to Daryl's house, he opens the door and sees Daryl sitting at the table, he's holding one of Bella's arrows she had left behind, Carl sits next to him at the table "hey?....Daryl?" Daryl looks up at him "what?" Carl sighs "Bella told me not to tell anyone....but I have to" Daryl sits up "what did she tell you?" Carl stands up "she said that that the camp she was at Before here was negans, she said that negan killed her 16 year old sister....that's why she wants to see him dead" Daryl stands up "why didn't you tell me this before?!" Carl looks up "because I made a promise.....but now I know that she is going to do anything to kill him" Daryl's eyes grow wide "we need to find her....now!"


Negan throws me into a small dark room "we're going to do this just like last time "I'll let you out if this cell if you marry me" you spit at his feet "I'd rather marry a walker!" He slams the door "so it's going to be just like last time then?.....then your staying in here, just like last time too"

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝗼𝐬𝐬𝐛𝗼𝐰 | Daryl DixonWhere stories live. Discover now