Bright Pink.

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Keith's POV

Everyone's head turned towards the commotion that had started by the entrance of the cafeteria, everyone seemed to be shouting and pumping their fists, circling someone who Keith couldn't see.

"Now that's Lance." Hunk chuckled to himself, rubbing his index finger and thumb finger together by the bridge of his nose.

The crowd started to open up as he walked through.

Keith's eyes locked upon a tall, tan brunette boy. He looked rather toned and his expression was full of joy. Keith's heart almost jumped out of his throat when he noticed his ring glowing a bright pink. The tall boy made his way over to the group, he was so causal and his eyes shon with a piercing blue. He could definitely tell why all of the girls went crazy over him. He could've just melted into a puddle right there.

Lance's eyes locked onto Keith's, both of them stared in disbelief.

3rd person

Lance felt his heart miss a beat when he saw him. His hair was a beautiful jet black which beautifully contrasted his pale skin, his eyes had a deep purple colour to them and almost called out to Lance. Even though he was 4 feet away, Lance could almost notice the strong smell that he was giving off, something that Lance had been warned about before. The soul smell.

Lance's whole demeanour changed as he reached the table.

"Hey Lance, what's up?" Pidge questioned him, obviously noticing the slight change in his personality for that split second.

Lance ignored Pidge and he held his ring finger up, the gem was shining a bright pink. He stared at it, a trillion thoughts racing through his mind. Was the new boy his soulmate? How? He is attractive though.  His eyes, his nose. Lance mentally scolded himself for letting his mind wander and eventually faded back to reality.

"I- uh... I'm.." Lance couldn't push any words out even if he had wanted to. His mind couldn't fathom what was happening. He would've thought that his soulmate was a boy, but someone emo? Oh hell no.

Pidge seemed to notice the slight pink light that was radiating from Lance's ring and stared at Keith, who's eyes happened to be locked onto his ring as well.

"Oh my god. You two are soulmates!" Pidge squealed in her seat, she knew Lance would find the one, but she wouldn't have guessed Keith.

Keith lifted his head and met his eyes with Lance, the two just kept their gaze for a moment, both being overcome with a slight blush creeping up their faces. Although the group around them seemed to be freaking out, the two could only notice eachother. Keith couldn't help but adore the bright blue colour that Lance's eyes wore, and Lance felt lost in the deep purple space which was Keith's eyes.

Keith cleared his throat.

"I'm Keith, you must be Lance."

Lance could've fainted right there and then. Keith's voice was so, so handsome. It's tone was rough but had a underlying tone of nervousness, which Lance noticed right away.

Lance pushed his belongings onto the table, taking a big sip of his water before he could answer. Boy was he thirsty.

"Yea, I'm Lance. Uh, is your ring... pink as well?"
Lance held up his ring to Keith, who gulped, holding up his hand. The two rings were so bright they could almost blind someone.

"I'm quaking in my boots." joked Pidge.

She was the only one out of the group who wasn't either snacking on popcorn as they enjoyed the show, or looking around extremely nervously. People knew that some soulmates rejected each-other, but people couldn't tell about Keith and Lance. After all, they'd just met Keith and Lance was the type who stayed open for everyone. 

Hunk rose from his seat and moved to the opposite side, leaving a space for Lance to sit next to Keith. Which he so desperately wanted to do. Lance took off his backpack and placed it under the bench, sliding in next to Keith.

Lance stared at Keith, who stared at the table. He wasn't looking creepily, just admiring how attractive Keith was. His ears were accessorised with black rings and piercings, matching the singular hoop on his lip.

Keith looked up and smiled at Lance, a genuine smile. Lance couldn't cope with how adorable Keith was, angsty or not, Keith was still cute. Lance's freckles deepened in colour and rested his head in his arms. He buried his face deep into his jacket, he didn't care if people thought he was weird for not being his usual self, but he probably would've had a seizure if he looked at Keith one more time.

"Buddy you okay?" Hunk prodded Lance, who hummed in response, Hunk knew that Lance was embarrassed just from his body language, but also from the bright orange that was emanating from Keith's hand.

Lance eventually caught up with his breath, looking at Keith another time.

"Keith where do you live?"

Allura almost choked on her drink as soon as she heard Lance, it sounded so creepy. Usually people didn't request their soulmate's address after they'd just met them, but it was Lance, what could she expect.

Keith stared at Lance in disbelief, but answering his question after a few moments. He didn't exactly remember his address off by heart.

"24 Bonding M Road." Keith fiddled with his lip ring using his upper lip, which Lance thought was the cutest thing he ever did see.

"Wait, Lance. Isn't that the house next to yours?" Hunk was truly confused.

"Yep. It's been empty for quite a while, but I guess it's taken now."

Hunk huffed in agitation, his soulmate happened to live across the other side of town. He didn't get to see her much, but some how these two got lucky enough to live next to eachother.

"Yea my brother and I moved in, he's a senior but he's about two years older than most of the seniors. Due to being kept behind." Keith began to become extremely anxious, tapping his foot at the ground aggressively. Out of the blue, Lance felt the instinct to assure Keith, so he did. His hand rested upon Keith's back, rubbing it in a soothing manner.

Keith felt his soulmate's hand, and felt like an ice cream under the summer sun. He'd only just met Lance, but he felt so, comfortable. He wanted Lance to keep his hand there forever, well, maybe in other places too. Keith mentally yeeted himself off of a bridge, he wasn't one to think such dirty thoughts, of course he'd touched himself a few times before. What teenage boy hadn't. But he never imagined someone else doing it, especially if that someone was as attractive as Lance. He really wanted to slam his head into the table but didn't, just to make sure he looked like he was fine.

The lunch bell rang, sending shivers down Keith's spine. He just wanted to get to know Lance.

Lance leant over towards Keith's ear.
"Let's walk home together, meet me outside the gates."

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