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Hey beans, so Keith is more Korean than American in this AU and that's just how it is okay. Just imagine the picture is what Keith looks like, it's all open to interpretation anyway.

3rd Person

After spending the rest of the night together, the pair decided that even school sounded like fun if they were in each other's company. Lance had football practice after school as usual and Keith sat on the benches, waiting for the drawn out hour to close.

Keith blushed slightly as he watched Lance throw the ball, each individual muscle in his arm tensing and unintentionally showing off the veins that ran down his arms. He found it shameful that something as small as a bodily need was attractive, well on Lance it was. The thought of the pressure of Lance's grip around his neck and he shuddered at the sudden image that had made its way into his head. People had always talked about kinks, how they liked to be 'dominated' but Keith had never imagined it like that, it had always sounded so fake and scary in a sense - but when it came to Lance, it was all he could possibly want.

He groaned and rest his head in his hands, eyes tracing over the pattern of the large cardigan he had draped over himself; it was a fashion statement in itself, it kept him warm and Keith could almost see Lance's heart melt when he walked in.

Lance made sure to glance in Keith's direction as much as possible, sending him heartwarming smiles and blowing kisses whenever he was free. He wanted to make sure that his soulmate knew he was still paying attention to him, even if he had to play a game whilst doing it. Lance loved football, it filled him with the type of happiness he could only get from physical activity, and besides Keith he didn't really do much outside of school.

Dancing was still on Lance's mind, along with a long list of things he had never imagined telling Keith, after being treated like shit for however long he decided that his masculinity was something he felt pride in, whether people said that was toxic or not. His Father had made dancing seem something to be ashamed in, and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't help but feel weaker when he moved his body, letting his guard down for however long the song lasted.

He decided not to let his mind drift, and focused on the game. Connor Murphy was still giving him evil glares from his position, but Lance only shrugged them off, he knew he was good. Hunk was in his position too, getting ready to barge anyone out the way, he was amazing at it too. And as soon as it had started, the "game" ended and the team were allowed a water break. All players slowly making their way towards the 'hydration station' which was occupied by none other than Pidge who had insisted that they named the water dispenser.

"Hey Loverboy." Pidge teased and Lance rolled his eyes, trying to ignore the chuckles that came from his team mates.

They had all seen Keith practically swooning over Lance, sitting in his own little bubble. Lance wanted nothing more than to be able to scoop him up and cuddle with him but Coach had strict rules about practise. No players allowed to leave the field gate unless an emergency. This rule also applied to the fact that unneeded people weren't allowed in the fields gate either and Lance wanted to punch the floor.

"Ugh shut up." He pointed towards the machine and Pidge hopped to her feet, immediately pouring him an ice cold cup of water.

"I think we all know what's going on Lance, he looks like he's in heaven." Pidge pointed towards Keith who was staring at the ground. Keith couldn't see them due to the barrier hiding the 'Hydration Station' but Lance could just about make out Keith's lost expression.

"It's so annoying I can't even leave. All I want to do is just give him a quick kiss. It's not that hard." He shrugged his shoulders dramatically, groaning over dramatically.

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