
860 30 19

3rd Person

Lance woke before Keith and walked into the kitchen topless, where Lance noticed Shiro hunched over the table, biting into a piece of french toast. His eyes were crusted over with sleep and he was too tired to notice the slight tingling sensation of his back.

"Morning." Lance smiled towards Keith's older brother, who smirked back in return.

"So, you two have a... good night?" Shiro wiggled his eyebrows, adding to what he was implying. There were a few small noticeable marks around Lance's collarbone, but he hadn't noticed anything else just yet. The fact changed when he turned around though, revealing large scratches across his back, fingernail marks pressed deep into his skin. Shiro almost choked on his toast.

"Yea, I'd say so."

"Yea, I can tell by the state of your skin." Shiro chuckled to himself, causing Lance to go wide-eyed.


"Have you not seen yourself?"

The Cuban shook his head and hurried towards the living room mirror, turning his neck to view what Shiro was talking about.

"Woah, I did. Not. Realise that." He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, Keith had really damaged him, he couldn't help but wonder what Keith looked like too.

Although it was tiring, Lance felt accomplished by the previous night. He had been fantasising about Keith for ages, constantly wondering what it would feel like to be inside of him - but it was better than anything he had even imagined. The way the shorter boy let out moans, how his eyes bulged open when Lance thrust into him, it was all very visible in his head. After imagining the prior night, he was pulled back into reality as Keith walked into the room.

Shiro burst into laughter, and Lance turned a deep shade of red. Keith's skin was covered in purple marks, not an inch of white skin to be seen. He had to admit though, Keith looked great like that, the aftermath of sex was always a good sight.

"What are you laughing at?" Keith rubbed the crust out of his eyes and hobbled over where Lance was standing, almost collapsing as he reached him. He couldn't walk properly after what Lance had done last night, he was stretched out to his full potential and the aftermath was brutal.

"Keith, go to the bathroom. Look in the mirror." Running a hand through Keith's hair, he could almost smell the sex of the night before.

"Yea Keith." He nodded slowly before gripping onto the counter and finding his way into the bathroom.

Lance counted in his head the seconds before Keith would realise what Lance had done.

Five. He'd be fine right?

Four. Keith wouldn't mind.

Three. Okay, maybe a little bit.

Two. He should probably be scared.

One. Shiro gestured towards lance, rubbing a thumb over his throat. He only gulped.

"LANCE! WHAT THE FUCK." Keith's shout echoed around the house and the individual hairs on Lance's neck stood up.

Keith swung the door open, causing Lance to flinch at the extremely loud sound of it slamming against the wall. Storming towards him, Lance felt the time slow as the anger was apparent in his eyes. Although, in his enraged state, Keith still couldn't walk and ended up angrily hobbling towards the space where Lance was standing.

"Lance, I told you about this before. What. The. Fuck. Why would you leave so many. Lanceeee this is going to take forever to hide. You end up looking fine!" Huffing, he crossed his arms over his chest in a dramatic gesture.

"Actually, look at my back." Spinning around, Lance showed the scabbing skin which covered the main portion of his torso. The small fingernail marks that had dug in, irritated red skin surrounding it.

"Serves you right. Not my fault you're so hu-" Lance cupped his hand around the smaller boy's mouth before he could finish his sentence. He definitely did not want the older brother of his soulmate to hear about how hung he was, considering the fact that they'd only spoken a few times.

Keith had only realised what he said after Lance shot him a look of 'not in front of Shiro.'

"I'm going for a shower." Keith turned on his heel, dramatically stomping towards the bathroom. "Lance you coming?"

"Yea, sure." Grinning, he made his way over and they'd nearly gotten through without Shiro commenting.

"Guys, please not now. I let you two, do your business last night. Just not, now." Shiro's voice was laced with worry.

"Ew, we're not doing it in there." Keith muttered before shutting and locking the door.

"Aww why not." Lance pouted slightly and watched eagerly as Keith removed his boxers.

Keith pointed at his ass and gave Lance a stern look.

"I'm in pain."

The pair eventually had a relaxing shower together, free from any sexual activities, much to Lance's distaste. He couldn't ignore the stinging pain that emanated from his back, it reminded him of his past slightly and he shuddered.

Keith had given Lance a shirt and joggers from Shiro's personal collection, surprisingly it fit him well. Keith just slipped on a pair of black shorts and walked around the house shirtless, he didn't see the point in covering himself if his brother already knew about it.

What they didn't know was that Hunk and Pidge were on their way to assure that the couple were okay after their fast exit from the previous night's dinner party. Their phones had practically blown up from the text messages that they received from their friends but they chose to ignore them, and focus on the company of each-other for the time.

Keith almost had a heart-attack as the front door swung open, revealing Pidge and Hunk. Pidge's jaw dropped as she saw the state of Keith's chest. Curling over in laughter, she clutched the doorway as she let out loud cackles. Keith, was mortified. Scrambling up from his seat, he pulled a blanket over himself, only leaving his head exposed.

"You're, you're. You're fucking purple." Pidge managed before laughing even more. Hunk only stood behind her in awkwardness, he had never wanted to even see the boys in any case, but Pidge had persuaded him as she had a 'feeling' that something had happened. Neither of them were to expect what they'd actually seen.

"Alright, alright settle down. They're just a few hickeys." Lance glared at Hunk, who gulped in response.

"A few?!"

Keith only stared at the ground, he was probably the most embarrassed he had ever been in his life. It didn't make it much better as Pidge laughed uncontrollably. Storming over towards the door, he sent the two a death glare before slamming it harshly.

"Now, can we get back to cuddling?" Keith's tone was harsh, but Lance smiled in response.

"Come on then mullet."

Sorry this one wasn't as good, i'm better at writing more action packed chapters ;)).

Hope you liked it anyways!

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