Two broken boys.

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(I just thought this photo was pretty, it has no relevance.)

Lance's POV

I stared out the window and watched Keith walk out of his house, I couldn't go to school today, people would figure stuff out. After Keith was long gone, I grabbed my purple backpack and shoved multiple things in it, swinging it over my shoulder once I had zipped it up. Running away, I could hear my Father behind me, shouting and coughing, he was clearly intoxicated.

Once I was confused of where I was, I knew I was safe. Hands on my legs, I bent over and caught my breath, focusing on the rise and fall of my chest instead of the sharp pain shooting down my back. I could feel each wound, each shard of glass, each scar paint their way across my back. The memories flooded back as I crouched down onto the pavement, spreading my limbs out as far as they go. I knew my face had a huge purple bruise across it, matching Ronnie's but the new mark hurt the most. A smile was burned and engraved into my back for life, and it was going to take a lot of time to heal. As my mind cleared of the visions, I made my way to my feet again and stared around me. The roads looked unfamiliar and unwelcome, they were empty for the time being but they wouldn't stay that way for long.

After grabbing a strawberry and cream frappuccino from Starbucks, I'd made my way closer to my house. I wouldn't go back to him, I couldn't. I needed to get Ronnie out there next, Lord knows what he'd to do to her. A shiver ran down my spine as the thought filled his head, Ronnie was too innocent for that. The emotional damage was done, it would never leave, but she wasn't physically scarred. I rubbed my temples hard with my index finger and thumb before staring up at the car heading towards me. The bright green gave off who it was straight away.

"Lance. Get in." Pidge unlocked the door and motioned for Lance to get in, he sighed and nodded, sliding in a few seconds later.

Pidge drove off hastily, eventually stopping on the side of a random road. After parking and turning off the car, she turned to him and stared him directly in the eyes.

"Lance you look like pure shit." After looking over the bruises on his face, her expression turned sour.
"You can't stay with your Dad anymore Lance, Keith was worried at school today but he's a bit ill so his ring isn't working." Lance sighed in relief, having Keith worried about him was another thing that he would've been worried about. He squeezed his eyes shut and rest his head in his hands.

"I don't know where to go Pidge." Lance stared back at her, occasionally glancing down in shame.

"Right, we have a spare room in my house. My Mum will have to know about your... situation. But you can stay with us." Pidge thought for a moment before looking back up at Lance who's face was focused on the window in front of him.

"And Ronnie can come too, I know we don't know her that well but she could be quite... vulnerable." Pidge didn't know how to put her words, but she hoped Lance understood.

Lance's head seemed to be going about 200mph and although Pidge had calmed him down slightly, he still couldn't think properly.

After sitting in silence for what felt like hours, Lance turned his head up to face Pidge, who had been texting away on her phone.

"Thank you." Lance's eyes filled with small amounts of hope in the form of tears and he wiped his eyes on the back of his wrist.

"No need to thank me Lance." Pidge stared upwards, facing the sky.

She turned to face him once again, smiling as she saw Lance, his emotion was softer.

"You're my best friend."

Keith's POV

I stared at my hand for what felt the thousandth time today, it wasn't working well due to my cold. I had to work today, so I sucked it up and drowned in pain medication and throat lozenges.  (A/N their school work like mine, 2 periods then 15 minute break, 2 periods then 1 hour lunch and one period before the end of school.)

After fifth period had ended, I spoke to Hunk and made my way home alone, sulking the whole way as I'd gotten used to walking with Lance. Getting indoors and slamming  the door shut, I collapsed on the sofa and groaned. As my eyes started to feel heavy and I started to drift into a sleep, my phone vibrated in my pocket, to which I pulled it up and checked the caller ID. Rio.

"Hey man." Keith's face was serious and he no longer needed to rest.

"Yea okay. Sure. The old one? Okay. Same nickname? Okay sounds like a plan. See you tonight." Hanging up the phone, I buried my face deep into the pillow and thought about the night ahead, praying that the customers would treat me differently. Doubt it.

3rd person

Keith pulled his black spandex mini shorts and skintight crop top over himself, he adjusted the knee high socks he was wearing and clipped the buckle with the buckle hanging from the knee. His hair was messy around his face and his bangs framed his forehead. He hated seeing himself look like that, he looked so submissive, so vulnerable. And he was, but he only wanted to be with one person, and due to the chemistry between them. That person was Lance.
Keith sat on his bed and rest his head against the wall, if Lance saw him like that he'd have his ring taken off. Lance probably would shout at Keith and beat him up for engaging in such activities, not waiting for Lance. Keith's rational side tried to assure him that that would never happen, that Lance wasn't that type of person but he couldn't help but imagine Lance hating him. Lance only knew him for a short amount of time, definitely not enough time for the two to trust eachother. He felt a tear fall down his cheek, wiping it to make sure he looked confident.

Men prayed on the weak, so he had to look as strong as possible.

(A/N there will be a lot of things that are different from normal american customs. i call a 'sidewalk' a pavement and bla bla bla. also the rings can be surgically removed if one of the partner has a legal reason to have it removed.)

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