Thank you.

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Okay brethren I'm back from the dead woooo! This is really sad, and possibly triggering? So just, be careful reading it please. I love everyone for commenting and voting - it means so much to me! Enjoy!

Keith felt his heartbeat sink, almost feeling nonexistent as the world spun around him. Lotor, his rapist, his abuser, the person who had ruined his life, stood before him.

The feeling of dread that Keith had so desperately worked to trying to lose over the healing period after the attack, flowed right back through him with ease, almost like it was waiting for the moment.

He wanted to scream, wanted to fall to his knees and immerse himself in the darkness of the memories, to let the flashbacks run rampantly throughout his mind. The need to hollow himself out, watch as the purple glow of the nightclub fade out into a dolorous background. It was what he had done every night for months after the rape, helped him block out the thoughts of disgust he had with himself, let him focus on the bleak surroundings and the emptiness that filled his heart.

Images of Lance trickled out of his memory, allowing him to see the love of his life. The very reason for his being, the only piece of joy in the world that was pure, something he could hold on to. It ignited something within him, something that controlled his body momentarily, throwing aside reality for just that moment.

He couldn't care any less about his job for the moment as he jumped down from the stage, not caring about the cringeworthy crack of his heel as his own hand made it's way around Lotor's neck, knuckles turning white from the sheer amount of force he was using. The taller male's expression turned sour, if only for a split second before returning back to his original grin.

Keith's other hand curled into a fist and he glanced downwards at his soulring before using his core power to bring his arm up and slam it into Lotor's jaw. The faint echo of the cracking sound filled Keith's ears momentarily before the scene around him faded back into view.

Rio stood with his jaw dropped, glaring daggers into Keith, by his side were two other men dressed in suits, seemingly smaller than Lotor - but also shocked at what they had just witnessed. He made note of the woman sitting at the bar, her suit pristine as she sipped on a glass of whiskey, seemingly not bothered about anyone around her.

Lotor's grin dulled down into a grimace as he yanked Keith's wrist away from his throat, grabbing and feeling at his jaw.

"I thought you'd be happy to see me after that... eventful night we shared together." he spat, looking down at Keith in front of him, inspecting the dainty pink outfit he wore.

"I must say, you look positively gorgeous."

And with that, Keith swung his arm again, only to be caught with larger, grey-toned hands that practically crushed his. Keith glanced upwards, facing the man that haunted his nightmares, studying the disgusting expression he wore.

"Don't you fucking dare." He spat, watching as his saliva globules covered Lotor's cheek.

Lotor's eyes clouded over with hatred from then on as he grabbed a fistful of obsidian coloured hair, pulling Keith's head forcefully so that it was millimetres apart from his.

"You dirty fucking faggot."


Lance was speeding back to the club by that point, he was immediately worried for his soulmate as his ring flashed innumerable amounts of times, each time with a different colour. Something bad had to have been happening for it to go crazy like that, and he knew he needed to get to Keith, fast.

The way his mood had shifted from calm to stressed out was scary, and he could almost feel wrinkles indenting themselves within his skin as he frowned, foot pressing on the gas pedal.

The only other time that Lance had been this stressed for his soulmate was the year before he had met Keith. He remembered the way that his ring flashed brightly, how Lance cried in his sister's arms, terrified for what was happening to the person he was meant to love. The person who he was destined to be with.

Eventually he had made his way out front of the club and he pulled the car into a random spot, not bothering to check if it was even legal as he scrambled out of his seatbelt, making his way to the door. He didn't hesitate before pushing it open, unaware of the horrific scenario that he was about to walk into.

A tall male with long white hair, dressed up formally held Keith up against the wall by his neck, pinning the smaller boy's arms above his head as he thrashed around. The group of people surrounding the pair, clawing at the arms which had so powerfully locked around the boy's windpipe.

Lance fumbled with his pockets for a moment, holding up a red piece of metal, flicking it open to reveal a small pocket knife.

Running towards everyone, Lance pushed the men to the ground, paying no attention to anyone except his boyfriend.

Keith's face was turning a mix of purple and blue, obviously deprived of blood and oxygen as he gasped for air. His eyes watered immensely and his fluids trickled down his neck, coating Lotor's hand and sleeves. Keith at that moment wished for anything, he even prayed to the gods (that he didn't believe in) for some sort of miracle, something that would pull the grip away from around his neck, dissolve Lotor into nothingness.

Lotor hadn't even recognised Lance's presence and his gaze was locked onto Keith's neck. He had pressed a few love-bites into the skin, wearily looking over the dulled down areas of skin that were still visibly purple.

Lance couldn't stand it anymore, and he plunged his arm forward, watching as the metal penetrated the taller male's right abdomen.

The grip around his neck loosened slightly, before completely falling away. Keith, as he had only been held up by Lotor's force, fell too - but not onto the ground like he had been expecting.

He immediately recognised Lance by his smell, the unique musk that belonged to his soulmate only. The tears of pain immediately switched to tears of relief and he clutched onto his soulmate's jacket roughly, letting the fabric soak up his tears. Letting the warmth of Lance's embrace calm him down, the bond they shared causing even the way the Cuban's skin felt to send him into a loving state. He continued on crying through the wreck that was his mind, holding onto Lance like his life depended on it.

Lance let his own tears fall, thankful for Keith's safety, thankful for the fact that the person who had hurt Keith for so long finally had some justice come to him, even if it was by being stabbed.

"I've got you, I'm here now..."

Lance ran his fingers through Keith's hair, softly stroking his scalp. He whispered comfort in Keith's ear, praying like he once did, thanking the Gods for giving him the strength to protect the both of them.

Lance noticed Keith's small movement, a light kiss planted on his cheek as a thank you.


Okay, I don't really know where I'm going with this story, there are so many assets that I'm not really sure of. Lance's dancing, his family issues and all that jazz are a big part, his football career too.

Oh well if you want to leave suggestions for the above topics, leave them here!!


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