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(I nearly had a fit because I couldn't find this chapter. Time to publish this sh*t.)

3rd Person

Lance boarded the coach and looked around, he couldn't see Keith until he got towards the back and noticed the small boy tucked by the window. His earphones were in and the faint noise of music escaped his ears. Lance sighed and set down his backpack, shifting the seat as he sat. Keith turned round at the sudden movement and stared at the taller boy next to him who was seeming to be really fidgety.

"Hey. You alright?" Keith gestured towards Lance's nervous foot tapping against the floor and he glanced up at his soulmate.

Lance pushed his foot against the floor, trying to stop himself from annoying Keith.
"Oh yea, I'm good. Just in a weird mood to be honest, can't really sit still."

Keith nodded and let out a yawn, not bothering to cover his mouth as he embraced his tiredness. He felt slightly uncomfortable sitting next to Lance. Lance would usually sit at the direct back with his 'bros' but after he met Keith, his desire to hang out with them lessened, a lot.

"This trip is supposedly pretty good." Pulling out the leaflet from his backpack he handed it to Lance. He could feel a small brush of pink paint his face as their hands brushed past each-other.

"Is it? I didn't really look into it... if I'm being honest I actually don't know where we're going." Glancing down at the leaflet that had been put in his hands, he   pulled it closer towards his face and inspected the pictures on the front.

"It's a geographic institute for uh... people use them to create music videos and stuff. But there's also a photo gallery too and some museum shit." He didn't really know much about the place other than what he told Lance. It was a mandatory trip.

"Oh cool. So, how was your morning?" Lance shuffled round in his seat a bit before trying to sit still, he had the sudden urge to cuddle Keith but decided against it once again.

"I'm so tired, I could fall asleep. I mean, if I do I'm sorry." Keith yawned some more and cupped his hand around his mouth, remembering his manners.

"You can sleep, I don't mind." Lance could imagine Keith asleep on his shoulder and it made him giddy even imagining it. Keith looked hardcore, but his hair looked softer than ever... his lips looked soft to the touch.

Keith turned round and smiled warmly at Lance before deciding to give into the slumber. He tried to fall asleep upright but he went limp and just like Lance had predicted, his head ended up on the other boy's shoulder.

Chuckling to himself internally, Lance glanced around the bus and saw Pidge, who apparently happened to be making hearts with her hands and pointing at Keith. Probably instructing him to take a video of the pair. Hunk didn't seem impressed but took the occasional glance, appreciating the cuteness of the two boys.

Lance stretched slightly, careful not to wake Keith and could feel the slight soreness of his back. The dancing that he'd done was quite intense considering his lack of will to do it before then. His muscles were tense and he basically needed a massage, or someone to help him release some tension.

Grabbing his backpack up from the floor, he dug through his belongings, finding a book that he'd brought along. It was his favourite book of all time "The secret life of bees." his mother read it to him when he was a kid, sometimes he even thought it smelt like her. He found his bookmark and continued to read the page he was on, starting to read where he left off.

As the bus journey continued, the time slipped away as lance was engrossed in his book, his mind imagining everything as he read it. As he felt his phone beep in his pocket, it brought him back to reality and he glanced up, the sign of the museum was up ahead and he took it as his sign to wake Keith.

He turned towards the smaller boy who had drooled slightly on his shoulder, his mouth was hanging open and a few snores escaped his lips every now and then. His hair was ruffled from taking his beanie off and Lance thought it was the cutest thing that he had possibly ever seen. Deciding not to wake him up harshly, Lance brushed his thumb over Keith's forehead and slightly moved him.

"Keeeitthhhh, come on. You gotta get up." Lance received a few looks from his friends who had noticed his calmer tone. He ignored them as he continued to move Keith. Keith eventually started to drift out of his peaceful slumber and into reality. He noticed the drool on Lance's coat and immediately felt anxious that he would get called out for it. Before he could do it himself, Lance was already reaching over and wiping his cheek with his shirt sleeve, drying Keith's cheek.

"Oh, uh... sorry about that." he chuckled and Lance smiled too.

Lance pointed to his shoulder and shrugged.
"It's fine. You make up for it by how cute you look when you sleep." Keith immediately felt flustered by Lance's comment and turned around so he didn't have to face him.

"Shut up." Keith wanted to pretend to be angry, but he couldn't. His soulmate was sitting right next to him and could definitely tell what Keith was feeling due to the colour of the rings. Stupid fucking, shitty, bastard ring.

"Awww you know I'm right." Lance poked Keith's cheek to taunt him furthermore, and he was successful.

Swatting Lance's hand away, he turned to face the taller boy, he had to ignore the pink stain on his cheek and act as if he was more serious than he really was.

"Stop acting as if I'm a baby." Lance didn't take Keith seriously one bit, despite knowing what Keith wanted. Instead he decided to act as if he'd been shot, clutching his chest and groaning. In the moment, Keith watched with a sour face and decided to take a chance. He leant over towards Lance and pushed him, causing the taller of the two boys to end up on the floor of the bus.

"See, karma." Keith nodded to himself silently and looked out of the window, leaving Lance on the floor.

"Hey! Rude!" Lance scrambled to his feet and was immediately knocked over again when the bus slammed to a halt.

Keith packed all of his belongings in his backpack and leered over at Lance.

"I suppose I can help." Keith reached out a hand and Lance grabbed it, smirking. It was only then that Keith had realised what he'd done, and Lance yanked him forward.

Keith flew forwards and almost screamed in fear. His blow was softened as he Landed on Lance's chest, and he glared at him.

"Karma who?"

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