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3rd Person

Klance hadn't seen each-other for a whole week, they both were too busy with after-school activities or just being caught up with other issues. Lance was kept behind after football practise, eliminating any chance he had to meet up with Keith before he had to leave to go to work.

Lance tapped his pencil loudly against the desk, earning annoyed glares from his desk neighbours. He only shrugged the looks off, continuing with his antics. He would normally be intrigued with chemistry, the thought of chemical reactions used to make his heart palpitate unusually, but now he only got that when he was close to his soulmate. Who, at the current time was doing the exact same, daydreaming of fantasies he had always wanted to try out. Chuckling at his own thoughts, he answered swiftly when called on. Multitasking was one of his best qualities. Fiddling his lip ring between his teeth, he became antsy to see Lance.

After being called on multiple times afterwards, his Health class ended and he practically sprinted from his class towards the lockers. Lance's was only a few away from him, as he'd requested that he needed to be near his soulmate. He had one leg rested up against the wall as he leant all of his weight against it. Students rushed past him, eager to get to their lockers, Keith couldn't care less about if he got in their way or not, only paying attention as he heard Lance's voice from across the hallway.

"Miss me?" Lance held his arms open widely, anticipating the feeling of having Keith in his arms once again.

Much to his approval, Keith rushed into him, burying his head into the taller boy's chest. The feeling of being connected caused both of their ring's to tingle slightly, a pale pink colour dusting the surface. Lance had gotten used to the scarred tissue around the ring, remembering the nights where he couldn't sleep due to the burning sensation. Keith only stopped as they met.

"Of fucking course I do!" Keith whined, connecting their lips. The slight coldness of Keith's lip ring contrasted the warmth of Lance's lips and he tugged on it slightly before ending the kiss.

"Gross. PDA much?" Pidge gestured openly before groaning. Hunk only smiled sweetly next to her as Shay's arm was practically intertwined with his.

"I think it's cute." Shay chimed in.

Lance grinned widely.
"Pidge, I know you don't have a ring. But when you find your soulmate it's practically impossible to not miss them!" Hunk, Keith and Shay all nodded in agreement.

"Ugh whatever. If you're going to be like this then I have some pretty good pictures I can send to everyone in the school." The midget tapped through their phone, trying to find the picture she had snapped of Keith after she'd walked in to him covered in hickeys. Pressing his hand over the phone screen, Lance sent Pidge a knowing look.

"That's quite enough. Just leave it be." Lance used his deeper tone, one that somehow managed to scare even Pidge.

"So, can we get food? I'm starving my ass off." Keith prodded at Lance's bicep muscle, watching how it twitched slightly in response. The Cuban gasped slightly before placing his hands on the smaller boy's shoulders.

"I can't have that fine ass falling off anytime soon! To the cafeteria." Pumping his fist into the air, he grabbed ahold of Keith's forearm, pulling him in the direction of the lunch hall. The rest of the group followed suit.

After collecting their lunches, they waited for Allura before eating. She eventually came, expressing her anger for being kept behind in class as the teacher had accused her of cheating in a test about psychological mind capacity, which she received full marks on. The rest of the group, except for Pidge sighed. Allura and Pidge were undoubtedly the smartest people in the school, including the teachers. The pair somehow managed to know more about the topics being taught than the teachers did, often calling out their mistakes in class. Needless to say, they weren't liked that much by the teachers.

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