One hell of a throw.

954 23 70

3rd Person.

The changing rooms felt weirdly familiar and Lance slipped his shirt over his head. Usually he would've been more self conscious of his scars, but they'd all faded dramatically and were only noticeable if you were close enough to look. The air was extremely humid and small beads of sweat had trickled their way down Lance's back as he sat on the bench, letting himself breathe before he would have to put the football kit on. He smiled as his ring warmed his hand up, indicating that Keith was nearby. He was unsure whether the smaller boy would be taking part in any of the sports trials that would take place along the course of the day, but he definitely wouldn't mind seeing Keith change if he was to.

A few more boys trailed into the changing rooms, all conversing with each-other about the places they hoped to attain. The word 'quarterback' wasn't passed around much, and everyone had already assumed that Lance would be claiming that title, due to his popularity and the rumour that he was amazing at anything he did... except for math.

Lance smiled at Hunk, who placed his kit a few pegs away to make sure that Lance didn't feel claustrophobic at all, he knew how Lance got in those type of situations.

"So, Varsity Quarterback huh?" Hunk raised his eyebrows jokingly, earning a small amount of laughter from Lance.

"Well yea, have you seen my amazing bod?" Lance stood up and flexed his biceps, pointing to his well defined abs shortly after. And he wasn't wrong, he was incredibly muscular in the right places. Dancing over the years had practically forced him to build up his body to fit performance shape, which Lance had become proud of somewhat.

"Yea, that's why I'm not going for quarterback. My name definitely describes my body type." Hunk made himself laugh and eventually slapped his knee and Lance stared at him in disbelief, since when did someone laugh so much at their own jokes?

Lance was about to reply when he heard the door open and he perked up slightly. His back straightened and a grin covered his face, he knew who was walking in without having to think twice.

He stood up, still shirtless and turned the corner. He expected Keith to be cheery and happy to see him but he was met with angry eyes. He gulped and felt like everyone could've heard it.

"Keith? What's wrong?" Keith stared up at Lance and grabbed the taller boy's forearm before dragging him into the single bathroom.

"Eh, what? Why're we in here?" Lance scratched the back of his neck and looked around at the bathroom.

Keith began to take off his jacket and Lance noticed he was wearing a turtleneck.

"Lance. What the fuck is this." Keith pulled his the shirt over his head and gestured to the heaps of tiny red and purple marks that covered his collarbone and neck.

"Uh, you remember right?"

Keith pressed his face into his hand and sighed once more before looking back up.

"I'm getting payback, but just not in a physical way." Keith pulled his shirt back over his head and watched as Lance's confused eyes watched his every move.

"Okay, sure. But make sure you watch the football tryouts." Lance poked Keith's arm rather harshly and Keith swung around and seemed to stare straight (hah) through his soul.

"Of course I will. Now let's go, people probably think we're fucking in here or something."

Keith started to walk to the door and Lance couldn't help himself, as soon as his hand was on the door, Keith felt a sharp sensation on his ass.

"Lance did you just fucking slap my ass?"

Lance let out a laugh. "Yea, yea I did."

-- skip to the end of the warmups --

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