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Sorry it's been ages since I've updated, I'm on half term now so y'all will have updates more frequently. Sorry about this one. :)

Keith returned to work routinely after that, his days filled with schoolwork and stress whilst the night filled with a pang of dread buried deep within him. For the life of him he couldn't figure out what had set it off, but he was on edge constantly. Lance noticed it on his own but the others' gradually realised something was wrong when Keith began to shake in the middle of lunch... yea, something wasn't right.

Never the less, school was over once again and he was back at the club for the night when all he really wanted to do was to be curled up besides the warmth of his soulmate, with the one person that made the dread dissolve away without a single effort put into it.

Keith and Lance's relationship has blossomed dramatically and the pair would often throw insults and arguments back and forth with eachother like a married couple. The connection was stronger than ever and they didn't even use their soulrings anymore, they just had a fourth sense about emotions. Neither of them would've had it any other way.

Lance pressed a butterfly kiss on top of Keith's nose as always and smacked his ass for the millionth time as the smaller boy waved back and made his way through the door.

He chilled out in his car, bopping along to 'Hips Don't Lie' and the occasional 'Teenagers' which popped up due to the shared playlist that Keith had forced him to make. The feeling of being in a music video was imminent and Lance chuckled to himself at the stupidity of his actions as he sang out the window to anything that passed. At one point he even found himself confessing his undying love to a puddle, weird, he knows.

And even though he was in his element, Lance too felt like the hairs on the back of his neck were on edge, as if he was waiting for something to happen. Something bad. He wracked his brain, hoping to scrap together even an idea of what had him so worked up, but nothing came into mind, and that just made him even more frustrated. Usually Lance could've known what he was worried about to the tiniest detail, it was his whole thing - overthinking stuff. But he felt empty as he worried about nothing, and he mentally slapped himself for being simply worried for the point of it, which was not the point in any case.

Keith paced up and down the staff hallways, meekly smiling at anyone who passed. Kendra seemed happier again, their talk seemed to have done her good and she could only hope for Laci's return, and the supposed long-haired man that she was speaking to. Time seemed to be slowing down by the second, everything around him freezing in jello like the scene from 'Cloudy In a Chance Of Meatballs.'. He laughed at the thought momentarily.

Brought out of his thoughts by a small hand, Keith swung around to see who had gotten his attention.

The newer bartender-boy stood before him, visibly nervous to be speaking to Keith after their initial meeting in which Keith held a knife to the intern's throat. Maybe not the best first impression.

"I-I... Rio wanted me to let y-you know-w... that w-we're having s-someone special visiting the club tonight and if you could p-please be dancing at 12:30 w-when they arrive...?" The poor boy stammered constantly, and although Keith was small himself, the boy had to crane his neck up just to get a glimpse at Keith's face.

Keith pulled his eyelids down in a dramatic fashion as he groaned outwardly.

"Do I have to?"

The last time Keith performed for a special guest he was forced to stay until extremely late, concerning Lance who hadn't heard from him. He was locked in after attempting to leave but Lance knew he was okay, thank god for emotional bond.

"I-I think it-'s mandatory s-sir." The boy clutched the name tag hanging from his wait, a nervous gesture.

"Ugh okay, tell Rio I'll be there." Keith stomped away from the scene and swung the door of the changing rooms shut with a loud bang, he was known for dramatic exits, obviously.

Kendra looked up at him, an unimpressed look across her face.

"What's got you in a tiff?"

Keith pushed himself down onto the sofa next to her, covering his face with his forearm and letting out a defeated squeal.

"I've been asked to do a 'private' session again. For a business meeting I think."

She chuckled at his annoyed behaviour, Keith only ever got so annoyed when he was asked to stay late, constantly complaining that it took away from his time with Lance.

"Oh well, maybe Lance'll be allowed to chill in the back."

"I hope so. Fuck I miss him."

It was true, although he had only been gone for 3 hours, Keith felt like the lack of Lance's presence had ripped a hole in his soul.

"Yea.. I know what you mean."

He uncovered his eyes and leaned over towards Kendra, smiling as she accepted the hug he offered. They together understood the longing to be with your soulmate, only Kendra had it slightly worse. If Lance would've gone missing for a while, Keith probably would've lost his sanity.

They embraced for a usually uncomfortable amount of time, but they appreciated each other's company just as much as they could. Their conversation continued for a long time, topics ranging from their mental health, to how many pieces of pasta they could eat in minute.

Eventually Kendra left to serve a few customers and Keith ironed out his 'special' outfit which consisted of an extremely skimpy baby pink one suit with small leg clips decorated with kittens, he wore modest white heels and small hearts painted around his eyes. The normally unusual colour choice suited him impeccably and he snapped a quick picture, saving it for Lance's pleasure another day.

His hair was sticky and matted down from sweating whilst dancing, and he was extremely bothered about it. Coming his hands through the locks he sighed and decorated the mess with a few butterfly clips, it added a depth of innocence to his outfit, so he kept them there.

Giving himself the once over, he nodded in satisfaction with the outfit choice. Special meetings always requested the best dancers and Keith just happened to be the best at the moment, he truly hoped they found someone better soon.

The clock striked 12:28 and Keith felt the dread return to his chest.

A few knocks sounded on the changing room doors and Keith immediately responded, capturing the shocked expression that came across the intern's face - he took it as a good sign.

"Woa-. Wait sorry s-sorry. Uh, they're here."

The faint sound of chatter could be heard from behind the staff room hallway doors and Keith eyed the doorway to the stage in which Kendra was walking out of, finally in her casual clothes.

"Okay, I'm ready."

The intern nodded and walked out of sight, leaving Keith to sort himself on the stage. The curtains were drawn, giving him space to move things around at will. He scratched off the tacky stickers from the pole, making the shiny metal look smooth and more professional.

He plugged the ipod into the systems and pulled up 'Talk Dirty To Me' and set it to a medium-low setting, allowing the meeting to go on without any of the men being forced to shout over one another.

The curtains opened and Keith shut his eyes, putting himself in a seductive stance, waiting for the first beat of the song to hit.

When it finally did he pulled his eyes open, gaze meeting a particular tall individual with long blonde hair framing his face, a visible smirk plastered across his face. The faint music played in the distance and the whole room looked as if it were spinning.

The figure rose from the chair, looking Keith directly in the eyes.

"Missed me princess?"

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