Minty Berries.

549 20 15

I wrote this whilst listening to BTS and I felt the need to include some Korean so I hope it's not too bad. I had to research it lmao. If it's wrong just let me know and I can correct it.

Keith and Lance both wanted to spend time with their friends before returning to their usual routines, both of them savoured the time they shared together as much as possible. They called everyone together and organised a small trip to the local Starbucks before grabbing icecream at the park, Pidge and Hunk sounded overjoyed at the mention of the delicious treat. Lance had promised to pay for everyone, making sure they all knew it was a one time thing.

Keith stared up awkwardly at the large sign displaying all of the drink options, he didn't want to wear out Lance's wallet but he didn't know what he wanted either. Much to Keith's surprise, Lance was a little stuck too - he'd grown bored of his classic chocolate frappe and thought for a moment before turning around to face his soulmate.

"Keith." Lance didn't know what Keith would think of the idea, he was usually strict on what he wanted when it came to food and drinks.

"Yes Lance?" Keith didn't move his eyes from the board, still glancing over the new items that had been added.

"Right, I know you don't like to deviate from your drink selection..." Keith turned his head slightly after hearing the hesitant tone in Lance's voice and remembered the time he had stared at a drink because Shiro had forgotten to add the dusting of chocolate on top of it.


Lance drummed his fingers against the side of the counter.

"Well I was thinking. How about we choose for eachother... like a surprise."

He waited a moment before responding and smiled slightly.

"Sure, I don't want my usual anyways."

Lance's eyes lit up at the chance to surprise Keith with an original concoction that he had thought up in his head a couple of times before, he would have to pay extra for it but the unusual blend of ingredients sounded like heaven to him.

"I'm making it original." He waved over one of the women behind the bar, who was staring at Allura longingly.

"Don't make it disgusting or I'll shove it so far up your ass it gets lodged in your intestines."

The Cuban only rolled his eyes before turning his attention back to their server, her long blonde hair fell around her waist and a few pink clips held her hair away from her face, if Lance didn't a soulmate he would've definitely flirted with her.

"Hi. It's 'gonna be a tricky order." Lance brandished his most dashing smile and the woman just laughed lightly.

"No worries." Her accent was unusually posh, not too far from Allura's.

Keith droned off as Lance began to order, he wanted his drink to be a surprise. He began to think of all of the drinks he could make for Lance, but his unimaginative mind came to a blank and he pulled out his phone, scrolling across his tumblr feed until he found an image. It was a secret menu item that Keith hadn't heard of before, and he knew Lance would love it.

Once their friends had finished ordering too, they all squeezed themselves in a booth. Klance held the drinks behind their backs and the Hunk gave them  confused looks.

"What are you doing?" He questioned, him and Pidge gotten their favourite caramel frappuccinos. The sickly sweet flavour lasted on his tongue and he wanted to inhale it.

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