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So Keith decided to let Lance's bloody fist go because he trusts him, he knew that Lance would let him know if anything bad happened. Also, there's some quality fluff in this I suppose.

3rd Person

Keith had been utterly confused when Lance came back later that night, a bruised and bloody fist along with an aura of rage were brought into the house - Keith didn't like it one bit. However, he kept his opinions to himself and cuddled with Lance on the sofa for the rest of the night, almost wishing that people's scents could be bottled as he sniffed the Cubans shirt. Lance never smelt like a normal human being, everyone had their own scent definitely, but he just smelt genuinely perfect. A slight blend of mangoes and lemon grass intertwined with an underlying tone of apple was heaven to Keith's senses.

The pair fell asleep together like they had the previous night, enjoying each other's company. Even Shiro had left them alone for the time - he understood what Keith was going through at least, and Lance seemed to help his younger brother. The mood in the house had lifted since he started staying round often and no one was complaining about it. And although they hadn't gone any further like their last time, Keith adored the tiny kisses that Lance would gift him, ambushing Keith with the pure love and affection that he had for his soulmate. He couldn't get enough.

The way his jawline was chiselers, the slightly imperfect skin, the small scar left on his jaw that Keith hadn't noticed before, how his eyes shone in the light whenever he had an idea, the way his grin widened as he thought of something to fluster Keith with, or if he was genuinely happy.

Keith dreamt about Lance the whole night long, he knew about his soulmates whole life practically, but he still felt a sense of incompleteness. The way his skin had indentations, unusual markings that shouldn't be there, how he was unusually flexible and gifted with his hips. He knew that Lance was staying with Pidge for a while, but he was never told the reason why. Boundaries, Keith respected them, untold history that people liked to keep locked away - even he had kept his own. But Lance was different, he almost acted like his issues were buried so deep in his mind that he couldn't even remember them, but that was definitely not the case.

From that night on, he set himself a challenge. Find out what Lance is hiding.

--time skip to the car--

The next day Keith had wrapped Lance's knuckles in bandage wrap, he was unbothered by the reason why and decided to leave it. It seemed to ease Lance slightly, his boyfriend had trust in him and the feeling of security resonated deep within his bones.

He pulled his seatbelt over his chest and looked over to his left, making sure that Keith was strapped in safely as well.

"Now can you pleeeeeaaasseee tell me where we're going?" Keith groaned, pouting slightly.

Lance shook his head adamantly, he had planned the little day together out perfectly and didn't want to spoil it.

"Nope, guess you're gonna have to wait."

Keith stuck his bottom lip out and slumped backwards in his chair, he hadn't a clue what Lance had planned for the pair of them - and frankly, he genuinely didn't want the surprise to be ruined.

"Fine, guess I'm going to have to torture you a little then."

Lance almost choked upon hearing Keith's words and he let out a chuckle.

"Not like that you idiot." Shaking his head, Keith plugged his phone into the car and scrolled through his songs. Lance preferred upbeat, hip hop music whereas he preferred dark-soul touching-emo music that people probably hadn't listened to in a thousand years; but hey, it was his taste. Eventually choosing a song, he smirked as the first notes of 'I Hate Everything About You' began to play. Lance smacked his hand against his forehead, fully aware that Keith would probably be screaming within the next minute or two.

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