Sleepy Baby.

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This is one heck of a filler chapter whoops.

3rd Person

Lance slipped away in the early hours of the morning, being extremely careful to not wake Keith and make sure that Shiro couldn't hear his muffled shuffling noises of slipping his shirt and shoes back on.

Before climbing back out of the window, Lance took one last look at the sleeping boy. He sighed as he thought about their journey of getting to know each other, they'd cuddled, and joked, but neither of them knew anything about the other's past, or much of what they did in their spare time. Lance had figured that Keith enjoyed drawing, it didn't take much to tell from the amount of ink paintings scattered over his bedroom walls. Lance could tell Keith's music taste too, the cd's and vinyl records that had been placed around Keith's room artistically, his room was a perfect depiction of who he was, yet Lance seemed to feel there was something that he needed to find out. He shook the thought out of his head and made his way down the roof tiles, bracing for impact as he jumped off of the edge and hit the ground. He winced at the small pinprick he felt pierce his ankles, but he figured he'd have to get used the the high jump if he wanted to come and see often.

The road lights were dim and silence surrounded him, the unusual experience was strangely calming and Lance felt himself drifting into a gaze as he stared at the nights sky, the deep violet reminding him of Keith's irises.

He laughed slightly to himself and eventually jogged the rest of the way back to Pidge's house, he figured that no one would be home and decided to close the door quietly, wincing at the tiny click of the lock in the door. He tiptoed back into his bedroom and placed his phone onto charge. He kicked off his shoes and pulled his shirt over his head for the second time that night, unbuckling his belt and throwing his jeans into the pile of clothes covering his desk chair.

As his head hit the pillow, images of Keith flooded through his head and he weakly smiled at the thoughts and slipped into a deep slumber.

---the morning---

Lance awoke abruptly as a pillow slammed into the left side of his face, repeatedly doing so before his duvet was yanked from his body, exposing him to the freezing cold air.

"Gah! Give the fucking sheets back!" Lance almost screamed, goosebumps prickled their way across his skin as he pried his eyes open to reveal Pidge, smirking at the end of his bed.

"God you stupid human being. You're going to be late! You slept through your nine alarms, my Mum's banging on the door and I even played some nice fucking classical music in hopes to get you awake and dancing. This was the only way!" Pidge crossed her eyes and frowned at the slight purple mark on his neck before smirking.

"Did you and Keith have fun last night?"

Lance shot up at the mention of Keith's name and groaned as he traced Pidge's eyes to his neck.

"We didn't do anything. Well we didn't do everything. If that's what you mean. But the sucker is bratty in bed I tell you that." Lance scratched the back of his neck awkwardly before stomping towards Pidge.

"Now, what time is it?"

"8:30." Lance almost jumped out of his nonexistent socks and stared at her in terror.

"The football tryouts are today, oh fuck, shit, bitch." Lance ran across his room and dug out a pair of khakis from his dresser, flinging a blue shirt out from the pile of dirty laundry that he had yet to do.

"Young Shack Wes and I'm getting really rich..." Pidge mumbled to herself before laughing at Lance's erratic behaviour.

"Dude chill. The tryouts are at 8:40. You've got plenty of time."

"I know, but the thing is that Coach Coran likes everyone to be there extra early for warmups."

Pidge tapped her foot against the wooden floor before shooting Lance a look.

"That's your fault for running off last night, you shouldn't have even gone on that school trip anyways and then you decide for a spontaneous sex-session with your soulmate." Waving her hands around the air in an exaggerated manor, Pidge watched as Lance struggled in his jeans.

"That makes him sound like a prostitute. Of which, he is not." Lance rolled his eyes at and buttoned his jeans, scrambling to put his shirt over his head he slipped his feet into his vans. Desperately searching around the room, his eyes landed on his football kit which he grabbed and gestured for Pidge to hold as he tied his laces.

As Pidge tried to swing the bag around her shoulder in a fashionable manner, the weight of the contents pulled her back and she landed in a crash on the floor. "Fuck Lance, you're not going to be able to carry this."

Lance chuckled at the sight.

"Stop being a baby." After reaching out and helping his small friend off of the floor, he grasped the handles of his football bag and swung it over with ease, barely feeling the weight of it as it rested on his shoulder. Pidge almost hit Lance as she despised him for being so much stronger than she was, but he was training to be the Varsity Quarterback, what more could she expect?

"Ugh, come on then Lance. I've packed your toothbrush and a mini toothpaste in your school bag so you can brush your teeth there. My Mum packed a lunch for you too, she had some whole speech about doing your best in football or whatever." Nodding his head, the followed Pidge out of the door and made sure to lock it before returning to climb into Pidge's bright green convertible.

"Could you have chosen any other car?" Although he groaned, the sound of the engine lit a fire inside of him and he smirked.

"This is my baby. And she's fucking fast." Pidge tapped the side of the car door and clicked her seatbelt into place, checking Lance's immediately afterwards.

"Hold on tight Buster."

Lance let out a shriek of excitement as they zoomed down the road. Boy he felt alive.

(So as a teenage girl from England, I know absolutely nothing about American a Football, but after a little bit of research I think I know a slight amount to write about it. This was more of a filler chapter because these next few chapters aren't going to be as angsty! Hope you enjoyed.)

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