Skin against Skin.

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! Warning: Smut/GaySex !

3rd Person

Lance had forced Shiro out of the house, he knew that there couldn't be anyone around to hear Keith's moans, he wanted them all to himself.

Pushing Keith down onto the bed, he leant over him and pressed his hands down onto the bed beside the smaller boy's head. Keith's lips looked soft to the touch, and although he wanted to skip the talking and get straight to the good bits, he needed to hear how desperate Keith was in that moment.

"What were you even thinking at dinner?" he growled slightly, using his harsher tone, he knew it made Keith even more aroused. He tried to ignore the hard-on throbbing behind the tight fabric of his jeans and focused on Keith's eyes, which seemed to be clouded in lust.

Lance stared as Keith fiddled with his shirt buttons, playing with the seam of the material before staring up at him.

"It was revenge, as I said. For making me embarrassed."

Lance should've have been surprised with the bratty tone of voice that Keith had put on, in all previous relationships he wouldn't have had to look at his partner before they were down on their knees. But of course Keith was different.

"The only one who should be making decisions in the bedroom department is me. I'm in charge." Lance could feel the intense pulse of Keith's heart against his chest and he subconsciously matched their breathing patterns.

"Who said that?" Keith bit his lip, only trying to aggravate the Cuban even more, he knew Lance would treat him differently if he'd played hard to get, and that's exactly what he wanted.

"I did. Now, are you sure you want to do this?" He didn't divert his eye contact for a second whilst asking, consent was a serious thing in his eyes, he wouldn't touch Keith if he had even hesitated for a slight second. Much to Lance's delight, Keith nodded almost instantly and a wide grin grew on Lance's face.

Lance immediately smothered him with a passionate kiss, one strong enough to knock them both off their feet. Their tongues intertwined as they explored each other's mouths, savouring the taste of the other. It was something that Lance never wanted to forget.

Keith tried to wriggle, his hand lazily undoing his zipper. Lance immediately pulled Keith's hand back up to his head, pinning him in place as he sucked deep marks along his jawline. They were harder than usual, and they both knew that, Keith only worrying about how he was supposed to cover them up when the smaller ones were still noticeable.

"No, let go. Just relax." And just like Lance said, Keith relaxed underneath him. His slightly tense body had become extremely loose, except for the prodding sensation in his boxers. He tried to ignore it, and focus on the feeling of being marked up, but the pair were both extremely uncomfortable in their clothes.

"Take them off." Lance let out a throaty growl, and Keith obeyed, quickly pulling off the last of his clothes. He was slightly self conscious about his appendage, knowing that Lance was definitely bigger, but he wasn't exactly small.

The cuban boy bit his lip at the sight, the usual Keith Kogane, authorised hothead was lying on his bed, fully naked and submissive. He couldn't help but take a mental photograph.

Lance unbuckled his own jeans and pulled down his trousers, flicking them off of his ankles in one swift movement. He knew he was, rather hung for a boy their age; and Keith's reaction to him was apparent as it looked like his eyes were bulging out of his head.

"Turn over for me."

Keith shifted his body round, so that Lance had a full view of his ass. He couldn't help but feel slightly uncomfortable as he felt eyes watching over him, admiring the view that Keith gave.

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