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(A/N the whole concept between the two really confuses me sometimes, but whatever. It's one hell of a ride. ;))))) )

3rd Person

The museum was interesting, well to Lance anyways. Keith had, for the most part, moaned about how bored he was and how excited he was for lunch. As the two exited the main area, they found themselves in a large open space, a large sign hung from the ceiling labelled 'Cafeteria'.

"Finally, gosh. What does a boy have to do to get some food around here?" Keith patted his stomach and groaned, he was practically starving.

Lance swung his arm around the smaller boy's shoulder and laughed at his behaviour.

"Look, there's loads of different places to eat. What do you fancy?"

Keith looked around at the options, there was: Taco-bell, Burger King, McDonalds, KFC and some smaller restaurant under the name of Chopsticks, which Keith assumed was a sushi place.

"I don't knowww, there is so many good things." Keith flailed his arms around, pouting to Lance.

Lance knew he liked the look of the Chopsticks place,  but he would put his wishes aside for his soulmate, considering how adorable he looked.

"Well, how about you close your eyes and wander, whichever place you get to is the one we're eating at?" he smirked at his idea and watched as Keith pondered for a moment. As the smaller boy nodded, he grabbed him by the shoulders and pulled out a bandana from his pocket.

"Why the fuck do you keep a bandana on you?"
Lance shrugged and wrapped it around Keith's head and tied it tightly.

"Can you see?" Lance waved his hand in front of Keith's eyes, who shook his head in response.

"Good." Lance started to turn Keith, twisting him around multiple times to distort his concept of where they where. Lance ignored the strange looks they received and eventually stopped twisting Keith.

"Go!" Lance clapped his hands like an excited seal and Keith put his hands out in front of himself, being careful not to walk into anyone.

After a while of bumping into random objects and almost falling over people's feet, Keith eventually walked into a restaurant sign.

"Right, this is a place." Lance chuckled as Keith rubbed his head.

Keith pulled the blindfold off from over his eyes and squinted at the sudden change in lighting. He'd walked right over to Chopsticks.

"Hmm, I chose well!" Keith laughed and motioned for Lance to follow him into the restaurant.

The two found a place to eat and Lance checked his phone for the time, it was 2:35 and they had to be finished by 3:45. They sat inside the restaurant under a small orange lamp, which Lance thought illuminated Keith's features perfectly.

Lance shifted around in his seat, he didn't want to annoy Keith but he felt uncomfortable in the booth that they were in. He eventually settled down and ignored the odd feeling he had prickling up and down his side.

"So, is this our first date?" Lance wiggled his eyebrows at Keith, purposely trying to make him flustered.

Keith buried his face in his hands, partially from embarrassment and partially because Lance looked exceptionally good that day. After taking a breath to compose himself, he looked up.

"Hmmm, I suppose it is." Keith grabbed at the menus next to him.

Sushi was one of his favourite things in the world, he didn't usually get it much due to his lack of money but he occasionally enjoyed it.

"So, what're you gonna get?"

Lance scratched the back of his neck and laughed slightly.

"Well I usually get the same thing. But this menu doesn't seem to have it so I'm just gonna choose some random things when the waiter comes." Keith nodded and put his menu on the table rather abruptly.

"I will too."


Keith's head had found its way onto Lance's shoulder once again, and his snores could be heard from a close proximity. Lance took this as an opportunity to admire him, the evening sun reflected off of his skin, highlighting his cheekbones and illuminating the slight purple colour of Keith's hair.

He ruffled his hand through the smaller boy's hair and watched as he snuggled further into him.

Lance relaxed into the warmth of Keith, his back suddenly was relieved from any tension and he was able to relax. With every breath, his worries faded away and he could only focus on the feeling of Keith's soft hair tickling him slightly. Lance probably would've laughed if someone had told him a year ago that he was able to relax once more, even if it wouldn't last forever.

As Lance basked in the feeling of happiness, a sense of dread flooded his body when his phone buzzed in his pocket. Pulling it out to see who had messaged him, he tensed up once again as he read the text.

Father: come home 2nite! you can't just leave!!!

Lance sighed and decided to block his Father's phone number, he didn't need constant reminders of the abuse that he had to endure. As he deleted the contact and removed any traces of his Father from his phone, he placed a small kiss on top of Keith's forehead. He would tell Keith about it some day, but he needed to get over it himself and move on. Focus on his dancing.

Lance breathed in the cinnamon scent of Keith's hair and immediately melted into the contact of Keith wrapping his arm around his. Keith was almost like taking the perfect bath - rid him of any tension, smells amazing and help him to get clean.

Keith had awoken slightly and felt his phone ping in his pocket, he only had an hour until he had to go to work.

Deciding to forget about it for the time being, Keith subconsciously snuggled further into Lance's chest.

The two had problems that neither of them knew about, but they'd find out someday.

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