Start of a Grudge (Chapter 1)

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Little Ku quietly worked away on his test. He hated taking tests but what could he do about it? He played around with his brown hair as his warm, brown eyes looked down at the test. 

"Psst, pass me the answers Var," a small boy, the same age as Ku, with silver hair and captivating yellow eyes tapped the mage in front of him.  

"Are you referring to me or the ten other Vars in this class?" The little girl hissed. Everyone held back laughter as the teacher came around to check on them.

"Ubel, are you trying to cheat again?" The teacher looked down at the little boy. Ubel shook his head. Ku rolled his eyes.

The teacher looked skeptical as well but they walked away. Ku finished up his test that was on the computer and shut the laptop.

"Ku, Ku, Ku," Ubel continuously poked Ku who, in turn, looked around and gave the boy the most annoyed look he could.

"What?!" Ku hissed. "You're still testing!"

"And? Nobody cares," Ubel waved his warm, brown colored hand dismissively. "What's the answer?"

"UBEL!" The teacher called out from their desk. "You have ONE last chance or I will mark your test with a zero!"

"Sorry," Ubel scooted away from Ku. Man did Ku dislike cheaters but the poor kid was raised by only a father. More than anything, Ku pitied the boy for not having a mother.


"Hey Ku," Ubel caught up to the teenage Ku, who forced a smile onto his face.

"Hey Ubel," Ku looked at the teenage Ubel. "What is it?"

"Nothing, just wanted to tell you that I was gonna beat you today in the magic final," Ubel grinned. "You're gonna need the nurse after it."

"Sure, I'm sure they're going to pair us up," Ku sighed. "But I don't plan on being outdone by you of all mages."

"Love that passion," Ubel nudged him roughly before he headed off to class.

Before their exam, Ubel threw Ku a nasty glare to show him he was going to go full on. Ku gladly took on the challenge.

Ku beat Ubel. Just like every other time as well. Ubel, with his anger boiling inside him, tried to punch Ku after their exam but Ku grabbed his fist.

"You've lost Ubel. Get over it," Ku narrowed his eyes. "I'm stronger than you."

Ubel cursed out loud and the teacher called out his name again. He spat right at Ku's face before stomping off.

Ku watched as the anger filled Ubel left. Just why did he hate him so much? Ku could never understand why.

But the days continued anyway. No answer came for Ku.


"Heard your parents died," Ubel, the only mage there, sympathized with Ku. He awkwardly patted Ku's shoulder. "I'm sorry for your loss."

Ku looked taken a back.

This Ubel...the mage that hated him...was being nice? Ku almost wanted to think it was trick but he shook his head.

"Thank you for your condolences," Ku shrugged off Ubel's hand without him noticing.

"Yeah...I know how much they meant to you," Ubel smiled briefly and Ku's jaw almost dropped in shock.

The Ubel had just smiled at him. What was going on? Maybe he wasn't all that bad as a mage after all...

Ever since then, Ku found that Ubel actually went out of his way to make sure no one made Ku uncomfortable about his parents.

He was glad, but suspicious. It was strange.

Ubel even offered him his favorite snack and would bring snacks for his little sister, Vada, all the time too.

Ku didn't know what to think of it. But he was being the most kindest mage to the both of them so far.

That was until Ku received the title of Prince of Magic along with Sensei. Ubel wanted that more than anyone and he was Ku's main competition.

Ubel then started to go back to how he used to treat Ku. Harsh, rude, and always wanting something from him.

Ku found it utterly annoying as he went through his young adult life. Ubel followed him everywhere, despite always hating on him.

When Ku became mates with the love of his life, Hiromi, Ubel became even more of an annoyance.

For as long as Ku could remember now...Ubel was always rude and harsh. So to Ku, even the brief period of him being nice felt fake.

Ku didn't want to think of it as fake but he didn't know what else to think. What else could it be? But what could Ubel have gained from being nice to him?

"Ku," Ubel growled, his face full of rage as they stood in the green field. "You should die goody-two shoes."

"And why is that?" Ku held up his staff, careful to make sure he wouldn't hit anything important.

"Because you always get everything!" Ubel yelled. "You always get all the love! All the titles! All the magic! You get everything! It's so fucking annoying!"

"Ubel, please, do not let whatever anger there is control you," Ku didn't want to see someone else in his life fall onto the dark path. "Do not let anger cloud you!"

"Shut up!" Ubel suddenly shot something to Ku's arm. Ku cried out in pain, it was broken. He could feel it. Ku moved away from Ubel.

"Ubel..." Ku clutched his arm with his staff. "I am sorry if I took anything from you...I am sorry, just please..."

"You've lost your chance," Ubel grabbed Ku by the collar to his robes. "You stole everything Ku. Why do you get everything? Now I know the only way to make sure you don't take anything else from to kill you."

Ku thought of his children at home.

"I have children Ubel!" Ku cried out as Ubel grabbed his throat.

"Like a give a fuck," Ubel growled, his grip tightened. "Maybe this'll teach you to stop getting everything."

"Ubel..." Ku held his staff with his broken arm and his other hand was placed onto Ubel's hands that were around his neck. "Ubel...listen to me..."

"I'm done with you. Goodbye Ku," Ubel's yellow eyes glowed eerily before Ku started to choke.

"Ubel...please..." Ku coughed. But the last thing he saw was those menacing yellow eyes.

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