Title Of Prince of Magic (Chapter 28)

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Ku walks into the large medieval building. He opens the giant gates with his hands, a loud creaking sound emitting from them.

His staff causes echos to go into the empty entrance. There are crystal stairs leading up to the center of the building with six thrones. Ku steps into the middle of the room, in the center of the magic circle.

Ku looks down at it, the symbol for magic. He's standing in the empty circle of the middle then multiple lines shoot out to reach multiple other circles with their own symbols inside them. Multiple lines run in between them and Ku clutches his staff tighter as his golden pendent glows.

With a slight shake of his head, Ku continues to walk up the stairs. Each time he takes a step, the stairs glow silver for a moment.

He reaches the six thrones, each one with a crown attached to the top. Ku reaches out to the Prince's crown, it glows silver along with the throne.

The crown detaches from the throne and goes onto Ku's head. He lets out a sad smile as he looks over at the King's throne. He then turns to the throne on the left side of him, the Duke's throne.

You still have such a good position...why did you go ruin it for yourself like this? Did I really cause that much pain to you?

If being the Prince meant so much...I would have given up my spot. You could have taken it Ubel...you can have it if you just stop with your madness.

Ku sighs, the crown glowing brighter and brighter. He gently taps the cool, metallic surface, feeling the magic flow through him. He then slowly takes off the crown and places it back on top of the throne.

I will give up my title of Prince if you would just stop. No tittle is worth this much trouble, but since you want it so badly...take it Ubel. Just take it.


"As all of you know, the title of Prince of Magic, Princess of Magic, Duke of Magic and Lady of Magic have been opened up," the King of Magic stood at the top of the building. "I know it is usually the Queen who gives the titles but she could not make it today."

Ku stared in awe at the mage standing in front of the six thrones. He stood with power and grace, his toned body perfectly showed in his royal blue robes. His bronzed skin matched with deep purple eyes and brown hair that has been slicked back and held back by a deep blue crown, his hair slowly turning blue.

Young adult Ku looked over to what would be the last time before their separation, at his sister. Her jet black hair reaching her waist and her sparkling brown eyes were placed on the thrones.

"You all know why you are here. The few of you have become eligible to be in the opening spots on the Royals of Magic," the King continues. "Know that gaining this title comes with a large responsibility. It is not easy to be a Royal of Magic."

Vada and Ku clasped their hands together in anticipation. Both equally nervous for what was to come.

"The Royals are the ones who are supposed to spread their knowledge of magic throughout the universe. You are given the title because of your vast knowledge," the King continued. "Share this knowledge because knowledge is power. We can spread peace and harmony throughout the universe if we simply spread education. That is what we do. We spread the knowledge of magic. We stand up for what it is right. And often times...we must give up something for the greater good."

He glanced down at the multiple mages standing on the magic symbol below their feet. The King smiled softly at them all.

"But our sacrifices are made to save the peace we work to save," he continued. Ku felt inspired by the words he spoke with elegance. "It may seem hard, and it is, but that is why there are six of us. To help carry the hard burden that even the World Leaders can not bear. We are powerful and we use that power to protect those who can not protect themselves. Because if we do not...then who will?"

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