Of Course, YOU (Chapter 12)

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"Oh great," a woman wipes off the dust on her hero outfit. "One moment you're on the run and the next you're captured. Isn't this great?"

"It is great," a man steps out of the shadows, his silver hair and yellow eyes visible despite the area being dimly lit.

"You," the woman gets up, anger in her brown eyes as she walks over to him. She bangs the shield holding her back. "Of course it was you."

"What did I do?" The man questions, looking insulted. "Don't go around accusing me for things I've never done."

"You have!" The woman growls. "You're the one who's been chasing me around all these years haven't you? The moment I saved Ku I knew it was you who blocked off my chances for going back."

"You've always been annoyingly perceptive," the man shakes his head. "But you're right. I have been preventing you from going back."

"Why?" The woman asks, her eyes glowing gold. The man doesn't say anything. "Tell me why Ubel!"

"And I'm going to listen to you why?" Ubel raises an eyebrow, an amused smile on his face.

"Because I'm gonna kick your nasty little ass," the woman narrows her eyes at him and slams the shield again. It flickers, scaring Ubel. "And you know I can."

"But if you do Hiromi then you know what's going to happen," Ubel recovers quickly, stepping closer to the shield, knowing she couldn't hurt him.

"If you even lay a finger on Ku, I will murder you," Hiromi's eyes glow brighter. "And don't even think about touching anyone else I care about because I promise I'm going to make your life hell."

"Bold words for a mage behind bars," Ubel chuckles.

"Coming from the mage who's too afraid to fight me," Hiromi chuckles back and Ubel growls. "It's why I'm in this cell after all. You know you'll lose."

"Bitch," Ubel spits at her.

"Bastard," Hiromi spits back. "I'm not scared of you pest. A pest you hear me? I will crush you."

"How does Ku even love you?" Ubel questions, a look of disgust on his face. "How are you his soulmate?"

"I don't have to tell you that," Hiromi smiles. "It's a secret between me and Ku. You're not a part of that."

"I hate you more than I hate Ku," Ubel hisses. "And that's saying something."

"Sure is, Ku won't fight you but I will," Hiromi crosses her arms, shifting her weight onto one leg. "But you're scared of me. You know, I wouldn't hesitate to beat you but Ku would."

"And what does that prove?" Ubel challenges, determined to win a battle of words with her.

"That you pick on the kind. Don't take Ku's big heart for weakness Ubel. That'll be your greatest mistake," Hiromi raises her eyebrows slightly, making herself seem like she's looking down at him. "Mark my words. You'll lose one way or another."

"I will not. Ku will get what's coming to him," Ubel promises, smacking the shield. But Hiromi doesn't flinch. "And you will be the reason Ku dies Hiromi. Remember that."

"I'll protect him," Hiromi hides her fear. "I'll protect Ku from you. Don't think for a moment I'll let you hurt him or anyone else I love."

Ubel grins, chuckling to himself and Hiromi narrows her eyes. Her tough mage act is starting to get tiring.

"Of course. You're scared of losing him aren't you?" Ubel smiles evilly that sends chills down Hirmoi's back. "Oh I'll make sure you watch me kill him and you'll know it's all your fault."

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