BEEP BEEP BEEP (Chapter 30)

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"Oh shit," Sasha recognizes the symbol on Urana that suddenly appears. "Call the nurse, yeah, that's what I should do."

Sasha presses the button. Urana starts to shrivel up, her skin turning dry and pale as the symbol consumes her. Knowing the only thing she knows, Sasha touches the symbol on Urana's arm.

She let out a cry in pain as she tries to extract the darkness out of Urana. A sudden wave of black throws Sasha into the doctor coming into the room.

"Are you alright?" The doctor helps her up. Sasha doesn't reply and instead looks back at Urana, who's starting to glow black.

"What is that?" The doctors run in, the machines beeping like crazy. Sasha hears the sound of footsteps and she turns to see Brenton, completely in shock. Fear and worry all mixed in.

"Hey, she's gonna be okay," Sasha reaches over to hold his shoulder when Brenton suddenly collapses. "Woah!" Sasha quickly catches him, poking his cheek.

"Brenton! Brenton, what's wrong?!" Sasha checks his pulse, it's still there. He's completely normal but he just passed out. "C'mon, now is not the time to be passing out!"

"What's going on?!" Amy appears, everyone else running in behind her.

"Urana suddenly just erupted in darkness and Brenton just passed out...I don't know why!" Sasha, slightly shaking, looks up.

"I've got him," Scott kneels next to Brenton and the small robot, Robo, starts to scan him. Scott watches the results that pop up. "He's perfectly normal but...somehow Urana sucked his mind into hers?"

"So you're saying he's in there?" Red glances inside the room, the doctors are frantically running around.

"I am going in there," Ku pushes through, the doctors don't even bother to try and keep him out.

"Where are the others?" Sasha asks as Scott takes Brenton from her arms.

"They're all in the training room right now..." Quill's voice trails off. "I'm going to go back over there now."

"Good idea, I'll get Brenton a doctor, they'll be able to at least monitor him," Scott gets up, carrying Brenton bridal style.

Sasha looks torn as to what to do. She looks from Brenton to Quill, then back to Brenton. Amy places her hand on Sasha's shoulder.

"I'll go to the others, Red will stay here and you should go with Scott. Brenton needs a friend," Amy offers a reassuring smile her way.

Sasha silently nods before running with Scott to an empty hospital room. Amy goes off with Quill to tell the others. Red stays outside the room, watching anxiously. Ku signals him inside and Red runs in.

"I am sorry to do this but you are the only one old enough, we need to try and extract this symbol from Urana," Ku explains, despite his appearance seeming calm, his eyes speak something else.

"Okay, let's do it," Red puts his hand over the symbol and Ku does the same. They both mummer the spell together.

A wave of darkness shoots them backwards. Ku catches Red before Ku's back hit the wall. The symbol then grows larger until it covers her entire body, looking oddly like the symbol Ku got from Vada.

The symbol glows on each of the affected mages. The teens and Amy all let out a cry in pain, their bodies glowing a dark black.

"Hey hey, what's wrong?" Quill's eyes widen, frantically going over to all of them. The Magic Council themselves rush in, going to each of them.

"What is this sorcery?" Brianiz lets out a curse as she waves her wand over the teens and Amy. Her magic is repelled. Suddenly, they all feel the pain subside. It completely disappears and they look at each other, confused.

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