Junior Year (Chapter 7)

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"Eww, we're back at flipping school," Brenton groans in annoyance as he walks in with all his friends.

"I'm glad. It's a great distraction from everything," Urana takes a deep breath, feeling instantly better.

"I can't believe she got the room next to me," Owen rolls his eyes. "I can hear your music blasting through the walls."

"It's not that loud," Urana nudges him playfully. "Besides, music helps for some reason..."

"Take all the time you need," Alex smiles.

"Yeah, we understand it's going to take a while to adjust and all," Ava agrees with a bob of her head.

"And we're right next door or across the hall if you need us," Sasha grins. "Not in school maybe, but at home, yeah."

"Besides, I know why you really came to school. To make sure you win the competition of being at school the longest with Owen...that and to know who's asking out Sasha," Ava whispers and Urana nods.

"Right? I'm so excited to find out!" Urana whispers back.

"Me too!" Alex joins in.

"I'm curious to know too, it'll probably happen at the end of the day though," Owen adds in and Urana looks surprised to see him interested. "What? Sasha flirts with literally everyone so I wanna know how she's gonna react when someone asks her out."

"You guys are terrible at whispering," Sasha crosses her arms. "And what's this about someone asking me out?"

"And I oop-" Ava giggles and covers her mouth with her hand.

"Sksksksksksksksk," Alex erupts in a fit of laughter.

"Rumor has it someone will today," Brenton answers. "No one knows who, but good luck."

"Huh, cool," Sasha plays around with her hair, it's starting to reach her shoulders and she wanted to beat Urana's hair length. That'll take a while.

"Well, I'll be ready to interrogate of course," Brenton pulls out a whole list of questions.

"Only Brenton," Urana shakes her head while laughing. Grateful that everyone was helping to distract her from the pain.

"It's my job as an older brother!" Brenton pouts.

"Thanks sparky, I really appreciate it," Sasha pokes his cheek with a soft smile on her face. "But it won't be needed. I can do it myself."

"Nope, I'm doing it. As your friends, and because we love you, we're gonna make sure this person treats you right," Brenton wags his finger.

Sasha's smile widens with happiness. It felt nice to know these guys have her back. Urana bites back tears as she remembers how her parents acted anytime she dressed up.

"You okay?" Owen asks, visible concern on his face and Urana wants to start sobbing right there.

"Yeah...I just...never knew how much their love meant to me..." Urana's hands ball up into a tight fist that shake.

"There's nothing compared to your parents' love for you," Owen holds her shaking fist for a brief moment before taking his hand away. Urana was thankful for the small gesture...it spoke much bigger words than what she could express. "I can't say it gets better...or that you'll find something to fill that void...but that doesn't change the fact that there are others who love you."

"Love the speech but you gotta lose that hoodie 'cause it ruined the mood," Urana reaches over and pulls the hood back, Owen throwing her a glare that she gladly returns. "But thank you...it means a lot." She smiles and Owen smiles back before putting his hoodie back on.

"Someone should ask out mysterious beauty over here," Sasha pushes Owen's head and he shoots Sasha a glare.

"Why? I can't date anyway," Owen rolls his eyes. "You all know that."

"Well, we're all invited to your wedding right?" Alex grins.

"I don't even know if I'm gonna get married so no," Owen groans. "But if I ever do...then yeah, I want you guys there."

"Aww!" Ava claps her hands together. "Owen wants us at his wedding! I feel so honored!"

"I did not see that coming," Brenton admits, shock clear on his face. "Thanks Owen! I wanna see what a southern Asian wedding is like!"

"It's insane," Owen mumbles.

"Good thing we are too!" Sasha grins.

"Bringing on the crazy at Owen's wedding! Who's with me?" Alex cheers, and they all cheer along with him while Owen shakes his head.

"You guys sure are lively this morning," Amy stands in front of them, a sympathetic smile on her face for Urana.

"Glad to see you're up and running," Sasha fist bumps with Amy who looks rather proud of herself.

"It's not like I had much of a choice really," Amy shrugs. "But my back still hurts like hell...like jeez."

The bell rings and Amy then rushes them all to class with Ava already starting to run, Alex close behind. Owen and Urana start to stress about the SATs while Brenton and Sasha go over possible people that might ask Sasha out.


Ku runs his hand over his Mating Ceremony picture. Touching foreheads, shades of gold and white on their outfits.

His fist balls up on the picture. It starts to shake as he feels himself losing his composure. He grips his staff but slowly falls onto his knees anyway.

I will find you...I will find you...please, let me find her...and our baby...Ku begs whoever would hear him. Suddenly, he feels himself getting sucked into a dream.

Ku anxiously looks around, knowing that being put into dreams is more of a soulmate thing. Unless you have dream magic...

He finds Himori standing in front of him and Ku runs towards her, hand reaching out to her.

"Hiromi!" Ku calls out to her, her back is to him. She couldn't see him. Hiromi turns around and gasps. Ku smiles, thinking that she could see him.

"What have I done...?" Hiromi covers her mouth with her hand. Looking confused, Ku looks around. He looks behind him to see a faint outline of someone.

"A child..! I-I-what did I do...?" Hiromi rubs her temples. Ku looks back at her, confused. "How could I let this happen? It was supposed to be with Ku!"

What? Ku tries to touch her hand but his hand goes right through. He wasn't called into this dream...

"I have to get out of here quickly...maybe I can talk to her..?" Hiromi anxiously looks at the faint outline.

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