The Birth of Hiro (Chapter 26)

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The next day, on a chilly October morning, Brenton sits down on the huge steps leading up to the Magic Council building.

He closes his eyes as a breeze blows past him, sending a chill down his spine. He then opens his eyes to see multiple mages walk in and out of the building.

Some stopped by to ask him if he was okay and Brenton sheepishly said he just needed some fresh air.

They said she'll wake up soon! I really hope she does! Urana is a fighter and she's gonna win! Because Urana never loses...

I don't know her all that well but I know for sure that she never loses.

Brenton jumps at the hand on his shoulder. He turns around to see Ava smiling down at him. She sits down next to him, a calming breeze blows past the both them.

This one feels like Ava's wind.

"How're you holding up?" Ava questions, looking over at Brenton.

"Fine I guess. I mean, now that they've said that she'll wake up soon makes me makes me feel so much better," Brenton smiles. "Urana is going to be okay...all there is when she'll wake up."

"It'll be soon," Ava grins. "It's Urana after all. That girl is such a badass like she takes no shit."

"Yup, that sounds like her," Brenton chuckles. "How are you holding up?"


"Yeah you, you are her friend after all."

"Oh," Ava sheepishly looks down at her shoes. "I guess I'm okay too. Now that I know Urana is going to be okay, I feel great!" She looks up with determination and a smile.

"That's good," Brenton smiles. "I think I'm gonna head back inside now, you wanna come?"

"Uh," Ava looks at the scenery of the beautiful city in front of her. "Yeah, I could use some lunch right about now." She gets up on her feet and follows Brenton inside.


Focus Owen.

"You're nothing but a failure Owen!"

"You can't even come in first! You always let her beat you! You're pathetic!"

Owen shuts his eyes and his arms that were raised fall to his sides. The green glow gone from his body and the surrounding area no longer sprouting with life.

"You let me down Owen."

"How dare you let your mother down? You know better than that Owen!"

"Go and prove yourself. Worthless piece of space. You need to earn it."

Owen frowns, getting overly frustrated with himself as he shuts his eyes tighter again. His legs shaking but he doesn't budge. He stomps the white ground with his foot.

"There you are! Whatcha doing there Owen?" Alex swings inside of the Magic Council's training area. The blond mage jumps right next to Owen.

"Trying to get stronger," Owen grumbles in annoyance. "It's not working."

"Because you're worried about Urana-we all are-and it's hard to focus on anything else," Alex states, putting his hands behind his back and swinging his legs in front of him. "Don't beat yourself up over it."

"But it's my fault. I'm a failure," Owen puts his hands up again. Alex watches with curiosity as Owen glows a bright green.

"You're not a failure."

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