Power In You (Chapter 36)

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Owen looks up, a bright smile on his face, the Garden of Races is back. Everything is right once again. He stops glowing, but cracks are on his skin.

"I told you," Owen grins at Urana, his eyes drooping.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Urana watches in shock as Owen, with the smile on his face, closes his eyes and falls onto the ground.

His right hand scar glowing black.

"Owen! Owen, wake up!" Urana grabs his wrist and pulls him towards her so that he lands in her arms rather than the ground.

"Hold on, I've got this," Sasha grabs Owen's hand where the scar is leaking out darkness. She pools it together in her hand before gulping it down.

"Why won't he wake up?!" Urana shakes Owen.

"Hey! Don't shake him!" Brenton grabs his sister's hand. "He just used a really powerful spell, of course he's knocked out!"

"Owen, now really isn't the time to be knocked out!" Alex cries out.

"Yeah! C'mon buddy," Ava pokes Owen's shoulder.

"He's breathing so we don't have to worry or anything," Brenton checks Owen's pulse on his wrist. "And are you done eating yet?"

"Yup!" Sasha points to the closing scar that has increased in size. "Anyway, we should get Owen back so he can rest on an actual bed."

"I'll carry him," Urana pulls Owen away when Brenton reaches out to take him.

"But-" Brenton starts.

"-it's okay. I know what you're trying to say but it'll be okay," Urana turns back to look at Owen's unconscious face.

"Now you know how Owen felt when you randomly collapsed," Alex points out. "But I still think you should respect his choice."

"Yeah, Alex is right," Ava nods her head, hearing the rustling of plants of their family rushing through. "Or are you taking advantage of him not being able to say anything?"

"Guys, calm down, I was gonna let Brenton carry him," Urana hesitates, the first time she held Owen in her arms...there's just the fact that she could finally help him. "I'm not like that, I would never disrespect him or his religion like that."

"Is he breathing?!" Ku dashes out of the plants and holds Owen's hand.

"Yeah, don't worry, he's okay," Sasha reassures the elderly man. "Owen just needs a place to rest now of course."

"Maybe I can help, I'll lend him some energy," Jasal comes through the crowd gathering and holds Owen's hand. Owen glows green, receiving energy from Jasal. "There, at least he'll have some more energy."

"Se-I mean Gold Staff, I don't think we can carry Owen by ourselves..." Brenton didn't want to make Owen seem fat or anything but Brenton knows he didn't have the same strength, or enough, to lift Owen up.

"Of course, I will carry him," Ku takes Owen from the reluctant Urana. But she knows that she would never disrespect someone's wishes like that. Ever.

Especially for Owen.

"Okay, so you all wanna tell me why you came running here despite being told you couldn't?" Red crosses his arms. "Like don't get me wrong, you all pulled off something incredible but like still."

"Better question: which enhancer spell did Owen use?" Scott asks.

"This one," Alex holds out the clumped piece of paper. Scott thanks him while taking it and runs his eyes across the paper.

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