I Am Just a Replacement (Chapter 3)

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Urana takes a deep breath before knocking on the door. She didn't know what her parents believed as to where she was for the past week.

And she wasn't going to push any buttons.

The door opens and Urana is greeted by her mom's black hair covering her face as her mom brings her into a hug.

It felt nice.

"You're finally home! It's been so long," her mom smiles, her blue eyes starting to look so much different than her own.

I don't look anything like her...Urana thinks, quickly brushing it off. But what was strange is how her hair looks so much lighter compared to her mom's.

That isn't her hair color.

Urana shrugs it off, passing it for her being tired and non-attentive. Her dad comes in and pulls her into a hug too.

She definitely didn't look like her dad at all either. Not to mention he has hazel eyes, but even with personality...

"I'm glad you're home," her dad smiles.

"Me too, I missed you guys," Urana finds herself speaking the truth despite feeling as though she wasn't really their daughter. "I'm gonna go freshen up real quick."

"Yes, of course, hurry though, I made dinner," her mom smiles and Urana smiles back before rushing up the stairs.

I'm just tired. I always feel like this when I'm tired, Urana chases away her doubts. I'm being too skeptical. All they've done is prove how much they care about me.

Why am I doubting them?

Because they judge based on race and ethnicity and religion rather than character and actions.

And who's to say-shut it.

Urana goes into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror. Her hair is lighter. Not to mention she felt the need to shave half of her hair off.

Yeah...I'm really tired now. I should eat then sleep.

But it didn't go that way. After dinner, her parents decided to watch a movie and Urana couldn't find the heart to say no.

She sits in between them, snuggled up with a blanket over her legs. Urana watches the screen as it plays the movie.

"Movie night! Yes!"

"What else would it be?" Laughter.

"We should get the family together."

"That sounds wonderful. Also...the little guy is also invited."

"Haha, you really are a natural born dad aren't you?"

"I have always wanted to be one."

"And now you will be."

Urana blinks. That is not the movie. The feeling of her kissing someone's cheek washes over and Urana looks around.

She didn't kiss anyone's cheek.

I am officially losing it while being tired, Urana shakes her head before turning her attention back to the movie.

But instead of seeing what was on that screen, she sees some other movie playing. Elves and Fairies with a plot that was definitely not the one she's watching.

Urana shakes her head then sees the typical kiss scene of a man and woman on screen.

This would be a lot funnier if Owen was here. He'd turn the other way, Urana smiles to herself as she imagines the uncomfortable looking earth mage turning away from a couple kissing.

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