Shadowing (Chapter 11)

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"Nice of you to finally join us Hiro," Brianiz swiftly (and really gracefully, leaving the teens thinking that she's a princess) gestures to the table in the middle. "Let us sit. I am sure everyone is hungry."

"I sure am!" Ciana pats her stomach, letting their guests go first.

"Me too! I'm pretty sure I didn't have breakfast today," Zar agrees with a large sigh.

"Can you two please, for the love of magic, act professional?" Brianiz whispers sharply.

"Pfft, Brianiz, it's been years, they'll never change," Zora smiles at the two of them.

"I'm hungry too! You guys know that werewolves need a lot," Connor pouts.

"Literally we are about to eat, relax," Astrid nudges Connor then pokes Ciana and Zar's shoulders.

"And you three are going to be reason why we eat late," Destin mummers under his breath. "Hurry up, I'm really hungry!"

"Outta the way!" Aaron pushes through his companions but Brianiz grabs him the collar of his robe, an annoyed look on her face.

"You all are the epitome of unprofessional, where did your manners run off to?" Brianiz's tone is indicating that if they didn't start acting like World Leaders...they were going to have to deal with her. And she can be a scary woman, not gonna lie.

"It's like they came out of a black hole," Zora chuckles to herself. Brianiz throws her a stern gaze and Zora immediately stops laughing.

"Is it bad that I love their dynamic already?" Urana whispers to her friends.

"Nope, I actually really love it too," Sasha agrees. "It's nice knowing that they're like this. 'Cause back in Bad Central, if the Magic Council comes after know you're screwed."

"I bet, they seem really powerful," Brenton looks at Brianiz eyeing her companions as they sit down.

"Is Sensei more powerful than than them?" Owen questions.

"Duh! He's the Prince of magic!" Sasha states as though it's obvious. Well, to everyone but them it is.

"So he could take on all of them right now?" Alex questions.

"Well he's outnumbered if he went solo, but I guess he could," Sasha muses.

"Now then," Brianiz clear her throat to get everyone's attention. Quill turns away from comparing her robe with Hiro's, both of them brown. "Breakfast will be ready shortly. Meanwhile, we'll talk about why we're all gathered here."

"Oh screw the formalities," Zar waves his hand dismissively. "How are you all today? Good? Good, I hope."

"Zar," Brianiz looks as though it's taking every ounce of her patience not to punch him. "Anyway, the reason for this-"

"-oh, food!" Connor happily claps his hands as meat appears out of nowhere in front of him. Different kinds of breakfast items appear, mostly being Nobits' food.

"We tried to match the typical Nobits' breakfast items," Zora explains. "We hope it's enjoyable."

"Yes, now back to what I was saying before-" Brianiz is cut off by Astrid laughing at a joke that Alex and Ava told her.

"Oh my gosh! That's so funny!" Astrid wipes a tear from her eye. "You two should get lessons from Quill! Get that Magic World humor."

"We will for sure!" Alex and Ava smile brightly.

"So I hear from Scott that you two are really smart and interested in tech," Aaron asks Owen and Urana. "Tell me, would you two be interested in a tour of our tech department?"

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