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I meet my brother alone. I can't believe he's leaving. Gods to the Nights Watch of all places.
"I'm going to miss you Jon"
"And I'll miss you", he says, out of all my siblings I've always been closest to him and Robb.
"I am going to send ravens", I promise taking his hand and squeezing it firmly.
"I'm not sure what the watches policy on that is"
"I don't care, you are my brother and if I miss you don't think I won't ride there and demand to see you", I tell him.
"I don't doubt it Ray", he laughs and I fling my arms around him and hold onto him tightly. I wish that he wasn't going. I tried to talk him out of it but he's convinced the Nights Watch is a noble calling for him.
Before he leaves I need his advice on Jaime, I asked him and Robb to judge my suitors and I know Jon will be blunt.
"Jon I've always trusted you with everything, can I ask your opinion on something?"
"Of course, who am I going to tell", he laughs.
"What do you think of Jaime Lannister?"
He doesn't look surprised when I mention him and although I haven't mentioned him since before the feast he knows me well.
"He is arrogant and I had an interesting conversation with him about the Nights Watch" he says and I can tell Jaime must of offended him but well I offended him as well when I told him the Nights Watch was for criminals, it's the truth "I think I know why you're asking and no I don't approve of him"
"Mother asked me to find a man I want to marry, I think I'm falling for the only man in Westeros no one wants me to marry", I finally admit.
"Please tell me that you haven't fallen for him how Sansa has fallen for Joffrey" he groans and we both laugh.
"Gods no, I've bonded with him, he is the only man outside of my family I have been myself around. I didn't have to pretend to be a proper lady, he likes that I'm not a proper lady"
I know what I feel for him is irrational but it's been consuming me. When I was drunk I was my raw self and he liked that. He doesn't care for fake formalities and politeness. He likes me when I'm cocky and inappropriate and I like that about him as well.
"I know what he seems like but underneath everything I think there is a good man, a caring man", I try to convince him "And even on the surface it's almost like seeing a male version of myself"
"Probably because only his sarcasm could match yours", Jon remarks.
A laugh escapes me as I realise the truth in that. I always thought that I wanted a man like my father, an honourable northern man my family would love but now I've met Jaime that's completely changed. He's made me question so many of my morals and desires already, I mean gods I ended up in a brothel.
"Please remember he's bound to the Kings Guard", Jon reminds me "It's for life, just as the Nights Watch is, even if he wanted to he couldn't be with you"
"I think he might leave, Tywin Lannister wants him too and he's begun courting me", I confess, maybe not properly courting but I don't know what else to call it.
"I'm sure he does that with many women", he says dismissing it that easily and jealousy flares in me at the thought of it but I know it's not true. He said he's only ever loved one woman and she's a bitch from what I've gathered, and he's only recently realised it.
"Have you seen him flirt or even speak to any women let alone court them?" I ask him and he can't give me a response "He's courting me, well not properly but improperly courting"
"I trust you to make the right decision Ray", he says as he finishes fixing his horses saddle up "I want you to be happy and if he makes you happy then go for him but if he hurts you remember that you're a Stark"
"Trust me if he hurts me he'll be the one running", I promise him as I wrap my arms around him again.
"I'm going to miss you so much", I say with tears in my eyes.
"We are both starting new lives just on opposite sides of the continent", he says.
"I will see you again, I'll make sure of it", I promise. I hold onto him tightly for as long as I can, not wanting to let go.
"If anyone can I'm sure you will".
Robb comes and says his goodbyes and I don't want him to leave. Bran might die and I don't want to lose Jon.
He gives me one last hug and I cling to him tearfully.
"I will see you again", I promise and he kisses the top of my head.
Robb wraps his arm around me as we watch him ride off with uncle Benjen.
"He's found a purpose", Robb assures me.
"I miss him already", I sob as he pulls me closer against him.
Theon approaches us. "At least he won't have to complain about getting prissy for noble guests anymore", he laughs wrapping his arm around my shoulder as well.
Theon and I have always had a strange relationship. He is my fathers ward but he's never forgotten who his family is. Most people don't see the conflict he feels about it but I do. Sometimes he can be cold, a bit mean but he is like a brother to me. Not to mention when we were younger we were told there was always the possibility we could be wed but I know that won't happen. Father would never marry me to a Greyjoy but to me Theon isn't a Greyjoy. He's a Stark.
"Come on lets go riding", Theon says knowing that it will cheer me up and Robb happily agrees.
Then I see Jaime standing nearby, silently calling me over.
"I'm tired, I'll see you later", I say knowing it's a half assed excuse but they believe it until they see Jaime standing nearby.
"We'll see about that", Theon teases and Robb slaps him on the arm.
"Rayna", Robb warns.
"It's fine, I'll have a chat then go make sure Arya isn't giving the Septa too much grief"
He doesn't buy the excuse but he knows I'm more stubborn than he is "Just don't let father see you"
"I won't", I assure him.

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