Fifty One

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I stand in the courtyard ready to address my people. Sansa and Jon stand to my left and the Blackfish stands to to my right with a knife to BlackWalders throat.
"Walder Frey and Roose Bolton were responsible for the Red Wedding that claimed the lives of my beloved brother, Robb Stark the King in the North, his pregnant wife Talisa Stark and my Mother Catelyn Stark. The Bolton's are dead and their house extinct, however the Frey's have yet to pay for their role", I declare "Blackwalder is the man who cut my mothers throat to the bone and as the Queen in the North I charge him with treason and with the murder of Catelyn Stark and therefore I sentence him to die"
Jaime is the one who hands me my dagger and the Blackfish holds Blackwalder still for me.
I bend down and whisper in his ear "The last thing you will see is a Stark smiling down upon you as you die"
Everyone watches I press the dagger to his throat and slowly slit it to the bone.
My father said the man who passes the sentence should swing the sword. That is a motto I will happily live by.
The crowd cheers as the Catelyn Stark, Lady of Winterfell and daughter of Riverrun is finally avenged.
"Remove his head and send it to Walder Frey", I order.
Uncle Bryden nods and actually smiles "Gladly"
Sansa and Jon both wear a small satisfied smile on their faces. The crowd begins to depart and Littlefinger approaches me "Was that a wise decision?"
"Yes it was", I say not giving him a chance to speak to me "Now if you'll excuse me"
Jon frowns as Jaime walks by my side back inside the castle.
"We'll need to talk to Jon soon", Jaime reminds me, touching my back lightly as we walk through the halls.
"I know but remember how stubborn Northern men are, I'll give him time and then I'll speak to him"
"We'll speak to him", Jaime corrects as he laces his fingers with mine when we are out of sight.
"I have some work to do can you send Brienne to my office"
"As you wish your Grace", he smirks as he kisses me. I teasingly stick my tongue out at him and we both burst out laughing.
"I've missed this", I smile sweetly as he caresses my cheek.
"So have I", he says kissing me tenderly before I go to my office.

I'm managing the food stores and other things of concern when Brienne enters.
"You summoned me your Grace?", she asks
"I am trying to restore order in the North and well Ramsay had the last Septon and Septa flayed alive, would you be able to find me some new ones?"
She seems confused by this request "Your Grace you aren't religious, and the North doesn't follow the faith of the seven"
"No but my sister Sansa does and we were practically raised and educated by a Septa"
She doesn't buy the excuse even though it's true. She knows it's not the only reason.
"Why do you really want a Septon?" She asks.
"I'm marrying Jaime soon and well in weddings in the faith of the old gods the bride and grooms families play a major role traditionally and considering the circumstances of our families, marriage in the faith of the seven will be simpler"
I always wanted Robb to officiate the wedding but that won't be possible. I doubt Jon would be willing to do it either considering the current situation.
"Why can't you send a raven to the Sept in the Riverlands?"
"Because damned maesters record everything and I want this to be kept secret for now"
"Understood your grace", she says "I'll find a Septon and a Septa"
"Thank you Brienne", I say and she leaves.
I look out my frosted window to see Jon training in the courtyard. We haven't spoken since the feast. Jaime and I will have to speak to him, from what Jaimes said he basically admitted to pushing Bran but gave very little context and reasoning for it. Just as he did with Robb.
Maester Wolkan enters with a letter.
"Lady Rayna, sorry, Your Grace", he greets "I've received word from the capitol, Cersei Lannister blew up the Sept of Baelor, killing the High Sparrow and all of house Tyrell, including Queen Margaery, except for Lady Olenna", he informs me. It takes a moment to process that information.
"House Tyrell is practically extinct", I murmur in shock, Cersei killed her sons wife.
"That's not all", he says somewhat sadly "King Tommen committed suicide due to the death of his wife, Cersei Lannister has been crowned Queen of the seven, sorry now I suppose six kingdoms"
Cersei is Queen and Tommen is dead.
Oh gods Jaime doesn't know.
I grab the letter and read all the details of what happened.
"Thank you, please excuse me", I say as I stumble out and go to find Jaime. I go to where him and Bronn duel in seclusion. He is embarrassed to have anyone see him fight after losing his hand.
Sure enough I find him there.
"Jaime", I call and he and Bronn cease fighting.
"Your Grace", he smiles completely unaware of what's happened in Kings Landing.
"Bronn can you excuse us please", I say and he promptly leaves.
Jaime sees the look on my face and his smile disappears "What's wrong, what's happened?"
I take his hand and sit us down.
"Jaime I received a letter from the Capitol", I begun quietly not knowing how to break the news to him.
"What happened?" he asks, more concerned about why I'm in shock than anything else.
"Cersei blew up the Sept of Baelor with Queen Margaery and most of the Tyrells inside, they believe Lady Olenna is the only surviving Tyrell"
He is rendered speechless and I prepare myself to tell him the rest "Tommen was wrecked by grief over Margaerys death and"
"And what?" He asks fearfully as he turns pale.
"He killed himself" I say knowing there is no easy way to break that kind of news.
He buries his face in his hands and is silent for a long time as he tries to process this. His voice is strained as he asks "How did he die?"
"He jumped from his window in the Red Keep", I answer hesitantly and he nods sadly fighting tears. Although he was distant from his children he loved them. He truly did love them, even Joffrey.
"Anything else?" he asks fighting tears.
"Cersei is Queen now"
"Then we are all fucked", he mutters as he stands and begins pacing around.
"I'm so sorry Jaime, I know how much you loved your children"
Seeing him in so much grief breaks my heart. He has lost so much in the past few years.
He slams his fist against the nearest wall and I stand and walk over to him, taking his hand in mine to stop him from hurting himself.
"I wasn't a father though, I wanted to be and for a moment I was, Myrcella said she was glad that I was her Father then she died in my arms", he chokes as he suppresses a sob "Tommen didn't even recognise me as his Father but I'm sure that he knew, he had to have known"
"You weren't allowed to be a father Jaime, but you did everything you could to protect those children", I assure him gently "Whether or not they recognised you as their Father they knew that their uncle Jaime loved them"
I hold him tightly as he buries his face in my neck his hot tears wet the cold skin of my shoulder.
"I tried to be a Father to Tommen, I tried to step up and help him but I couldn't", he regrets.
"You loved your children, they may be gone now but you did everything you could to be a father to them", I reassure him "One day you will be a father again"
"I want to be a Father Ray, I want a family", he says and I can feel him trembling from the shock.
"We will have children, we will be a family", I promise him "Tommen won't be the last King you father "
He smiles sadly and kisses my forehead as he tries to stifle his tears. He needs me and I am here.
"We will have a baby Jaime, lots of them, lots of little wolves and lions running around keeping us busy", I promise him, taking his hand in mine and kissing it firmly.
He chuckles softly and runs his hand through my hair.
"One day", he smiles as I pull him into my arms and hold him tightly "I love you"
"And I love you"

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