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Sansa and I walk arm in arm to where my father shall swear fealty.
"See Sansa, I told you that as long as we play our cards right and be very careful with our words we will survive this", I tell her as I hold my stomach. I've finally come to terms with my pregnancy and I can't wait for Jaime to come back. I know that he will be happy, I just know it. I will struggle to balance my love and hate for him, I will struggle to find forgiveness in my heart but I know that I love him. But in time I do believe that I can look past this. For the sake of our child I will have too.
"Father will truly be free?" She asks Hopefully.
"In time, Joffrey refused to wait for Tywin to return as he is still with the military camps up North, he is demanding Father swear fealty today, I suspect that if all goes well Father won't be confined to the cells but won't be able to leave Kings Landing. From there Tywin will take care of it, Joffrey knows nothing of ruling, Tywin will be his hand and I carry the Lannister heir, if I play my cards right we may yet reach a peaceful resolution to this"
"Have you received word from Ser Jaime or Robb?"
"Not yet, any day now I suspect, ravens take time to reach places and sometimes they get a bit lost on the way but it will come, I don't know who's I'm more nervous for Robbs or Jaimes"
"Jaime loves you, and so does Robb", she reminds me.
"What do you think of Jaime, you've stayed rather quiet about it all"
"I think it's awful, unforgivable what he did to   Bran but I've seen the man he is with you", she says "And he is to be my brother in law"
"At least I have some family who are supportive", I sigh squeezing her arm "Do you still wish to marry Joffrey?"
"I don't know", she says quietly as she looks around nervously.
"No ones around I assure you, and if you don't want the engagement tell me and I will do what I can"
She simply nods looking more terrified as we get closer.
"Sansa don't worry, everything will be alright"
She nods again and we walk to meet the Queen and Joffrey.

We stand together on the platform before the crowd as my Father is brought out. He eyes me uncomfortably as he sees me wearing Lannister colours. The news of my engagement to Jaime has spread throughout the keep.
He is marched to the front of the stage and his charge is read out but Joffrey interrupts.
"Admit you are a traitor", Joffrey yells sadistically.
Sansa and I share a worried look, this wasn't what was arranged.
Father admits to the false charges of treason and swears Joffrey as king. I clutch Sansa's hand as we wait for Joffrey to pardon him.
"My Lady Sansa has pleaded for mercy but as a King I cannot succumb to the weak hearts of women, he is a traitor and he shall be punished appropriately"
"Joffrey", Cersei warns him while I begin to panic.
"Your Grace, remember the arrangement with your grandfather", I remind him beginning to fear the worst.
"Kill the traitor", he orders and chaos erupts.
"Your Grace", I plead. The executioner steps forward with my fathers sword. Sansa is screaming as guards hold her back.
"Do not do this", I yell still praying that he will change his mind "We had an agreement"
"You and Tywin Lannister had an agreement", he spits and my heart stops.
"Bring me his head", he demands.
"You fucking bastard", I spit and a man strikes me hard and I fall violently to the crowd.
"Father, Father", I scream as the sword rises.
An animalistic scream is ripped from my throat as the sword strikes down hard and my Fathers head rolls on the ground.
Sansa falls to the ground unconscious and I am left staring in horror and I can't hold back the screams and the shakes that rack my body. Then I'm clutching my stomach as a different kind of pain takes over. I cry out as my stomach cramps violently.
"No, no", I cry as I realise what's happening.
I look up at the sky then back to my Fathers head being lifted into the air and through the ringing I hear the crowd cheering. My head spins as I look around to see Joffreys smug face and Cersei actually looking shocked by her demented bastards actions. I cry out again as I clutch my stomach begging the mother to save me. Cersei looks to me and realise what's happening. She says something to the Hound and I am being carried out of there.
I cry out again not in pain but in pure shock and despair. I'm past the time where most women miscarry, this shouldn't be happening. "No, no", I wail as I see them putting my Fathers head on a spike.
"I'm sorry little bird"

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