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On the shore stands Tyrion with roughly a dozen Dothraki and a foreign woman who must serve Daenerys.
I calm as I see Tyrion. He protected me in Kings Landing and he will protect me now.
My boots hit the hard sand and I walk towards them followed by Jon and Davos.
"The Queen in the North", Tyrion greets and I see the pin attached to his coat.
"The hand of the Queen", I reply and he turns to Jon.
"The Bastard of Winterfell"
"The Dwarf of Casterly Rock"
We all smile at each other and I walk forward, bend down and embrace him much to everyone's surprise.
"Its been a long time", I say as I pull away from him.
"It has been", he says and he inspects my face carefully "I'm glad to see you alive and well"
"I'm glad to see you are as well after your trial"
He looks at the ring I still wear on my finger knowing Jaime was the one who gave it to me.
His eyebrows raise in question and I nod barely able to hide my smile.
"We must speak in private and catch up on the last few years", I smile aware that we aren't alone.
I eye the Dothraki as Tyrion and Davos make idk conversation. They aren't as fearsome as I had imagined them to be but I know that their skill would outmatch my men who have finished pulling the rowboat onto the shore and stand behind us.
Tyrion looks behind him to the women "Missandei is the queens most trusted advisor"
She smiles politely and I can tell immediately that it is not fake "Welcome to Dragonstone, our queen knows this is a long journey and she appreciates the efforts you've made on her behalf", she says and I try to analyse as much as I can from those few words, wanting to know what I am walking into. "Now, if you wouldn't mind handing over your weapons"
I expected this but Jon and Davos look at each other uncertainly.
"Of course", I say removing my sword from my waist and handing it to the Dothraki who comes to take it so they don't suspect I have any hidden weapons. Jon, Davos and my men reluctantly do the same.

We follow them along the stone walkway as we begin to walk towards the keep. I walk alongside Tyrion.
"I hear Sansa is alive and well", he says and I wonder if their marriage wasn't as emotionless as Sansa made it out to be.
"She is", Jon says stiffly and I smile to myself. Jon's always been so protective over us girls. I may be older by a year but him and Robb were like older brothers to me in how protective they were.
"Does she miss me terribly", Tyrion jokes and upon seeing Jon's unhappy face quickly says "It was a sham marriage, unconsummated"
"Don't worry, we know", I assure him wanting to laugh at how afraid he is of Jon "She was only a child"
"She's not anymore I imagine", he says "And neither are you"
"I was hardly a child when we met", I say remembering the circumstances of it.
"Oh don't worry I know that", he laughs "I remember the first time we spoke"
I think back to him walking in on Jaime and I sparring in his bedroom, overcome with lust.
"I definitely was not a child", I chuckle as Jon looks between us and is about to ask something then decides he doesn't want to know.
"Yes but I mean you are a proper woman now", he says and I know what he means. Looking back at the last time I spoke to him, eighteen and broken I was still a child in how naive I was "I'm sorry for what happened to your family"
"And I'm sorry for what happened to yours", I reply "As much as I despised Cersei her children were innocent, well the younger two"
He nods sadly and I hear the unspoken question. He looks at my ring.
"We will have to have dinner this evening", he says and I nod "You will have to tell me how the most wanted fugitive in Westeros became Queen in the North"
"And how the next most wanted fugitive in Westeros became hand to Daenerys Targaryen", I ask him.
"A long and bloody tale, truth be told I was drunk for most of it"
"As was I", I reply with a laugh.
Then I look to Jon who is still on edge.
"Our bannerman think we are fools for coming here", Jon says and I give him a warning look, careful of the Queens advisor listening.
"If I was your advisor I would have advised against it", he admits "As a general rule of thumb Stark men don't fare well in the south"
"Good thing I'm not a Stark", Jon says
"And I'm not a man", I say then I lower my voice "Please tell me we are safe here, the last time a Stark was summoned by a Targaryen"
"I remember", he says quietly "I wasn't there but I know what happened and I promise that you are safe"
I hear the doubt in his voice and he catches my concerned look "As long as you are kinder to her than Cersei", he adds.
"I have a lot of regrets, what I did to Cersei is not one", I say proudly.
A loud screech has me looking up at the sky and I duck down slightly and then stare in awe as a dragon flies over me.
Then I look and see Jon and Davos on the ground pale faced.
"I'd say you get used to it but you never really do", Tyrion comments as he helps Jon to his feet and I swallow hard as I realise that he wasn't lying about the dragons.
As much as they fill me with awe they terrify me. Not how they terrified Jon and Davos but because of what they are capable of.
"Come, their mother is waiting for you"

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